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More Nashville Adventures!

Posted by on Sunday, August 19, 2012 in Books, College Life, Creative Writing, Food, General Information.

Well readers, I’m officially moved in, my mom has left, and I’ve moved in a whole bunch of first years along with some friends. 2 out of my other 3 Chaffin-mates have moved in (stay tuned for a tour), and I’m starting to feel nice and settled here at Vandy. I cannot believe school starts in a few days, so instead of touching on that, I’m going to tell you about a few more adventures my mom and I had before she left!

Last Monday was filled with unpacking. Lots and lots of unpacking, along with a Target run, so it wasn’t particularly eventful although my mom and I went to Red Robin, and it was her first experience there. They don’t have them where I’m from, so I was happy to satisfy my freckled lemonade craving.

Freckled lemonade, delicious.

By Tuesday, I was unpacked and my roommate was moving in so we decided to go explore another part of Nashville we hadn’t really been–East Nashville. We went to The Green Wagon, as well as a few really cool vintage shops in the area. One of my favorite stops was a place called “East Side Story” (clever name, no?). It sells all different book-related art/jewelry, as well as books by local Nashville authors. As a creative writing major, you can imagine why I would love such a place.  I’m looking forward to hopefully going back sometime soon.

The store front of East Side Story.

After that, my mom and I grabbed lunch at Marché artisan foods, a beautiful café that has now been added to my list of favorite places to eat in Nashville. I had an open-face smoked salmon sandwich which was amazing and my mom had an incredibly amazing grilled cheese sandwich that had pesto on it along with a really good chilled soup.

Mom and I at Marché.

Later we did a grocery run, and then had dinner at Bombay Palace (my mom and I always try to eat Indian food when she’s here) with my friend Stephen. It was the last full day my mom was in Nashville, so I was glad to fill it with many things that I love–food, friends, family and more.

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