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A Guide to the College Essentials

Posted by on Thursday, July 26, 2012 in Books, College Life, Freshman Life, General Information, Housing, Student Life.

For all you incoming freshmen out there, if you haven’t started already…it may be time to start thinking about what on earth you are bringing with you to Vandy! Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect to have waiting for you at Vanderbilt and what you might need to scout out to purchase.

Unfortunately, much like high school, college doesn’t come with a shopping list of what you’ll need. So with no more art boxes or crayons required, let’s start off with what you DON’T need:

  • A car — Sorry guys, you are freshmen and Vanderbilt doesn’t actually even allow freshmen to purchase parking stickers for around campus (though I’ve known some to buy off-campus spots). I’m going to be a senior and I’ve never had a car, so trust me when I say that you can survive one year without one. Don’t worry, there’s plenty to do around campus within walking distance and Vanderbilt even has a new VandyVans line that will take you downtown and back! Plus the Nashville Metro bus information can all be found in the post office at Rand Dining center and is super easy to use.
  • A desk/chair — These are provided, so unless you want a more comfortable cushion-y roll-y chair (it has been done many a time), don’t bring these.

Leading into what you MAY want:

  • A mattress cushion — Not necessary, but they really do make a big difference. You will sleep better and happier with one of these, but you will also sleep just fine without one. Your choice.
  • Sheets and blankets and pillows and towels — Not provided — BRING! or BUY!
  • A dresser — You will have a closet with a bar for hangers and you will be provided with a small dresser. But in order to store all of your school supplies and clothes, you’ll probably need another one. I put my school stuff on my desk and in part of the provided dresser and then got one of those plastic ones from Target.
  • A corkboard and/or dry erase board — Corkboards…again, not really necessary, but these are great for organizing important things. A lot of people stick small dry erase boards on the outside of their doors so that people can leave messages when you’re not in. I also found that a small dry erase board to practice organic chemistry reactions was super useful!
  • School supplies — OK. You’ll definitely need pens, pencils, and highlighters. Maybe invest in some scissors, post-its, and tape as well. But as far as folders, notebooks, and binders go, I’d wait to see what you think after your first day of class. Maybe a binder is required for one class, but not all. You might also already be typing a lot of your notes (some professors are fine with this, some are not).
  • A desk lamp — Buy one, your roommate will love you more if you’re not keeping them up by using the overhead light.
  • A shower caddy / shower shoes — The shoes are your choice (get them!), but a shower caddy is a must.
  • A microwave / coffee machine / water boiler — Talk to your roommate about these. Unless one of you is super picky, there’s no way you need two of any of these.
  • A mini fridge — Again, talk to your roommate. These are great for snacks on the go or if you plan on cooking or storing any food.
  • Posters and other decorations — Your walls are blank. You will be happier if they are not. Think about it. Also, think about investing in some sticky tack or tape for these…just be careful of damaging the walls (the RAs check at the end of the year).
  • Those removable wall hooks — For hanging up towels and jackets and whatever else you want.
  • A bike — Not at all necessary, but you guys are living on the Commons, miles and miles (not really) from Main Campus. Also, a bike is a great alternative to a car for getting to some cool restaurants and music venues. I love biking, I say get one. Maybe you don’t like biking.

FYI — there is a great new Vanderbilt Barnes n Noble bookstore as well as a few Targets within driving distance (oh hey, parents…also, Vanderbilt will have some shuttles going to Target at the beginning of the year)…so really, you only need to pack your clothes, yourself, and whatever you WANT to buy at home. You can get it all here in Nashville, so don’t stress out too much!

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