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Done with Exams

Posted by on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 in Academics, College Life, Exams, Freshman Life, General Information, Summer.

Well, I’m finally done with exams. The joy that is pulsating through my veins right now is indescribable. The past two weeks have been exceptionally rough. I took a Chemistry Final on Wednesday, a Calculus Final on Monday, Ethics Final today and on top of that two papers for Sociology and Medicine and Spirituality. But, it’s all over now. I’m not quite sure how I did on my exams, but for now none of that all matters.

During my two weeks, I had plenty of time to think about my studying habits and it made me realize how short my attention span is. If I had my laptop open, it was pretty much impossible to get any work done. Whenever I got to any small stopping point during my studies, whether it be the end of a chapter, the end of a paragraph, or worse yet, the end of a sentence, I would immediately check my Facebook. Needless to say, my exams were particularly difficult… Oh well, better luck next time?

Although my studying habits were terrible, I did discover quite the gem on Youtube. Well, it might not be a gem for you, but it was for me. You see, I can not study with music because whenever I listen to music while I study, I end up singing to the songs and my studying efforts turn futile. And so, the decision was between Classical music and Movie Soundtracks. I went with Movie Soundtracks and I found a 2 hour long soundtrack of the Lord of the Ring series. Haha. The music is great to listen to and the only words are occasional words in some foreign language.I’m quite sure I’ve listened to the entire thing at least 4 or 5 times. Another soundtrack I found was a 30 minute mix of Pirates of the Carribean music. That kept me entertained while I studied.

The other discovery I made was the unofficial Vanderbilt group on Facebook for the Class of 2016. The name of the group is not as great as the group for the Class of 2015, but it’s still a good group none-the-less. It only has about 900 students right now but I’m sure that number will be growing over the summer. Mostly people have just been talking about getting roommates and such and it’s exciting to see everyone so excited to join Vanderbilt next year. Note: This group will turn into a big group for all Freshmen and it WILL get annoying with all the incoming notifications so make sure to turn notifications off. And also, this group will be used mainly during the year as a “Lost and Found” type deal and then at the end of the year to sell all your textbooks.

Well, that is all for now. Have a good day

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