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What’s in store for semester four…

Posted by on Saturday, January 21, 2012 in Academics, College Life, Communications, Jobs, Studying.

The second week of second semester is already nearly over! I can’t quite believe it—and clearly time has flown by so quickly that I haven’t had time to blog (I’m making it up to you with a catchy title for this post)! Here’s the lowdown on what I’ll be doing this semester so you can get a little taste of what I might be blogging on.

Classes: This semester, I’m taking a full 18 hours. A little insane, yes, but so far it’s bearable. Since I recently declared Communications as a major, I’m taking three communications classes—Rhetoric of the American Experience, 1640-1865; The Rhetorical Tradition (the book for this is dictionary sized…legitimately); and Fundamentals of Public Speaking (by far the most nerve-wracking—but I gave my first speech today!). To work on my Spanish minor, I’m taking Morphology and Syntax of the Spanish language. For Creative Writing, this semester I have an Intermediate Fiction Workshop, which I’m really excited about! And finally, for my Leadership and Organization minor, I’m taking Survey of Entrepreneurship, a Managerial studies class.

If that doesn’t sound like enough, I’m also working at the BCM and serving as Community Team leader there. I’m Publicity Chair for The Vanderbilt Review (we’ll be releasing it later this semester) and last but most certainly not least, I’m Recruitment Chair for this lovely little blog—Inside ‘Dores!

Which brings me to my final point—if you’ve stumbled on this blog as a Vanderbilt first year, we are currently recruiting! See the flyer below. If you’re looking to come to Vanderbilt in the future, here’s a preview of how you can one day become an Inside ‘Dore too!

So, as you can see, there will be no shortage of things for me to blog about this semester—the trick is going to be finding time to post on them!

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