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Majors declared!

Posted by on Monday, December 12, 2011 in Academics, College Life, Communications, General Information, Student Life, Teachers.

Today is an exciting day–I’m officially double majoring in English (with a concentration in Creative Writing) and Communications! Declaring my major wasn’t tricky at all (you may remember Eileen’s post on the process) and here’s what my experience looked like:

For starters, you need an advisor from the departments your majors are in to sign your major declaration form. Generally, there are two ways to get an advisor in the department that your major is in–you can either ask a teacher you know or who’s classes you’ve enjoyed, or you can have one assigned to you. I experienced both methods! For creative writing, I had a professor whose class I thoroughly enjoyed and who I had talked to about the major. He offered to be my advisor and so I had him sign the forms.

For Communications, the process was slightly different. I have yet to take any courses in the department, so I didn’t know any of the professors. Instead, I went to the department office and was assigned an advisor, who’s actually teaching one of the courses I’m taking next semester!

Once both my advisors signed the forms, I dropped one off with the English Department, one with the Communications department, and the last one at Kirkland Hall with the College of Arts and Sciences Registrar.

Outside of Kirkland, en route to officially declare my major!

Now I am celebrating (while still studying for finals, unfortunately) having officially declared a major–it feels like a pretty big step in the college process! I’ve already gotten the e-mail declaring I’m on the English major list-serv, and I’m excited to have some direction in what classes I’ll be taking here at Vandy!

Pictured: Popcorn and Fun Dip, the celebratory food of champions, the official major declaration form, and the official crossed off "declare major" on my to-do list (I'm about to cross off the one above it too!).

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