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Soundland 2011

Posted by on Saturday, September 24, 2011 in Music, Nashville.

One of my biggest regrets from last year was not breaking the “Vanderbubble” enough and, specifically, not seeing many concerts. Every major artist comes to Music City, but Nashville also has a lot of smaller venues too, for music groups that may not have “made it big” yet. All this weekend is a music festival called Soundland, featuring a variety of bands, including one I had heard of: Foster the People. They actually played last night on 12th Avenue and I was lucky enough to see them live!

Foster the People is a band that I first heard on the radio this summer, with their hit “Pumped Up Kicks.” I became a little obsessed with that song (it’s still my ringtone), so when my sorority sister Christina told me they were coming to Nashville, I knew I had to go.

Last night, we rode with some of Christina’s friends from marching band to the concert and all had a great time! The opening act, Cults, had a nice chill vibe, and then Foster the People hit the stage and it was crazy. They alternated between strobe lights and bright colorful lights the entire show, and had so much energy during every song.

After the fun I had last night, I know I’ll be seeing a lot more concerts this year. I haven’t even been able to stop playing Foster the People’s CD Torches for the past 24 hours (Don’t Stop and I Would Do Anything For You are my favorites, in case anyone needs music suggestions).

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