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Posted by on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 in College Life, Dining, Food, Freshman Life, Student Life.

It’s that time of year. All college students dread it. As the weather warms, the work load builds, culminating in one week of hell (better known as finals). Although finals are incredibly stressful and intense, Vanderbilt has done some awesome things to ensure that the stress level of the overall student body is kept in check.Classes ended yesterday (Tuesday), and finals start on Thursday. Wednesday was deemed a ‘Reading Day.’ My reading day was actually quite productive. I woke up at 9:30, grabbed a quick breakfast and trekked to my favorite study table in the Sarratt Student Organization Offices. I like this spot because it is quiet and there are hardly any distractions, but it is not eerily silent like the stacks in the library.

I worked for about an hour and then took a study break to grab a ‘Finals Survival Kit,’ provided by the VPB. I got a reusable coffee mug, some official exam books, a backpack and some pencils and pens.

I studied for another two hours and then took a lunch break. Vanderbilt Dining was providing massages and free Coca-Cola beverages in Rand. I didn’t have time for a massage, but I did indulge in some Honest Tea.

After a few more hours of studying, I took a long dinner break to catch up with my friends and call my sister. My break just so happened to coincide with ‘Commodore Coffee Break,’ which was also sponsored by VPB. They were giving away free cupcakes, doughnuts and pizza, as well as $10 dollar gift cards to SATCO and Otter’s Chicken, two Nashville staples. They were also providing massages by appointment from 6:30 pm to 11:30 pm

Some other campus-sponsored events to help get us through the week include a VSG-sponsored ice cream truck on the Commons, cookies and coffee provided many of the libraries, and all-you-can-eat brunch all day at Rand tomorrow.

So maybe most of Vanderbilt’s stress relieving techniques involve food. But hey, I’m not complaining.

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