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Asked & Answered: 10 Questions About Vanderbilt’s Study Abroad Program

May. 15, 2019—Studying abroad during college is a great opportunity to broaden your experiences and see more of the world. For many students this is a key consideration during the college search process, and I frequently get questions about Vanderbilt’s study abroad options. Today, we’re going to take a closer look as we answer 10 questions about...

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Why Vanderbilt?

Mar. 30, 2019—Congratulations to Vanderbilt’s Class of 2023 admits! You’ve just been selected from our most competitive applicant pool in Vanderbilt history and we’re thrilled to welcome you to be a part of our Commodore family. As you face the important decision about where to go to college, we would like to share with you why some...

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Virtual Tour: Update

Jan. 23, 2019—In the college search process, being able to visit campus can truly help you open your eyes and get a better understanding of what a college or university feels like. We know it’s not always possible to travel to a campus, so we offer a virtual tour. We’ve recently updated our virtual tour, and we’re excited...

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Student Care Network

Oct. 3, 2018—As we wrote in our recent post on Diverse ‘Dores Day 2018, the Vanderbilt community is one that provides support to help students thrive in and out of the classroom. In addition to diversity and inclusion, this is also true when it comes to student health and wellbeing. That’s one reason behind the launch of...

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Immersion Vanderbilt

Jul. 13, 2018—Immersion Vanderbilt is a new academic initiative designed to integrate classroom knowledge with experience, and give Vanderbilt students a deeper, more complete education. Immersion Vanderbilt calls for undergraduates to undertake an intensive learning experience that marries their interests and passion in making a change in the world. Students will be able to pursue these opportunities through...

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Life After Vanderbilt: Career Outcomes

May. 31, 2018—In honor of Vanderbilt’s Commencement and our recent graduates, let’s fast forward for a moment. Fast forward past your own high school graduation. Imagine jumping a few years past that to your college graduation. When you walk across that stage, do you see yourself having a job? Traveling the world? Giving back to your community? Or...

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Class of 2018 – Student Spotlight

May. 21, 2018—As commencement season comes to a close, we would like to highlight some extraordinary Commodores on their accomplishments at Vanderbilt. Check out these amazing grads: Name: Jalen Dansby Hometown: Houston, TX Jalen’s Vanderbilt career as a Chancellor’s Scholar was nothing short of impressive, having majored in Medicine, Health and Society; leading organizations such as Minority...

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3 Cheers for Spring Travel!

May. 17, 2018—‘Tis the season for amazing spring travel! It’s been quite busy this spring attending college fairs, speaking engagements, and high schools. Not to mention, we’ve visited some pretty nice places. Thanks to this new phenomenon called, “the selfie” —we have captured some amazing shots, and today on the blog we’d like to share a few...

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Spring Athletics on Campus

Apr. 25, 2018—You may know that Vanderbilt is a top-20 school in the nation, and that excellence extends to the arena of sports – just check out our list of individual, league, and national championships. While we finally welcome spring weather to campus, we’d like to highlight some of our spring athletics, and how you can take part...

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Hidden Gems of Nashville

Mar. 22, 2018—Nashville is a city that is ever growing! I first moved to Nashville in 2010 as a first year student at Vanderbilt and in the last 8 years, the city has transformed into one of the top hot spots to visit. As a college student, this is really exciting as there is always something new...

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Our Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes!

Nov. 21, 2017—Thanksgiving! After my birthday, I would probably say this is the second best holiday. For me, it’s an amazing, festive time to gather around one thing: FOOD—yay! We decided to take a break from posts about the application process, financial aid, and merit scholarships so we could highlight some of our favorite Thanksgiving dishes! But...

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Introducing Our Newest Admissions Counselors!

Sep. 5, 2017—Well—it’s the start of another wonderful recruitment cycle! Do you know what that means for admissions counselors? Flights, applications, food, college fairs, hotels, and did I say amazing food?! As counselors, we enjoy forging new relationships and advocating for the admission of numerous, talented scholars! With an office of 32 admissions counselors, we practice a concept...

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