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September, 2013

Interdisciplinary Majors at Vanderbilt

Sep. 30, 2013—Are you finding it hard to narrow down your academic interests to one subject area? Take a look at a few of Vanderbilt's many interdisciplinary options.

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How To: Letters of Recommendation

Sep. 27, 2013—Last week I gave several tips on how to write your personal essay. Next up in our “How To” series on the application process: letters of recommendation. As you go about completing your application for admission, your intent should be to accurately portray yourself as a person, as a member of your community, and most...

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VU Visits You – Travel Updates

Sep. 24, 2013—With the calendar officially turning the corner from summer to fall, travel season is now well underway for us here at the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Jay has a look at where we've been as well as where we're going.

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The Number 7 Bus

Sep. 20, 2013—Thinking of getting off campus this weekend? Here are some great Nashville destinations that are just a short bus ride away.

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What We’re Listening To: Road Trip Soundtrack

Sep. 19, 2013—Hello from Gate C6 in the Nashville International Airport! Now that September is well upon us, all of our admissions counselors have hit the road, traveling to high schools, college fairs, and community based organizations all over the world in search of the Vanderbilt Class of 2018.  I am about to hop on flight #3...

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Somebody Help Me! Academic Resources at Vanderbilt

Sep. 16, 2013—You may think that starting college means you'll have to manage your academics on your own, but the wide-range of support at Vanderbilt means students have as much help as they need. Carolyn runs down the list for you.

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New Inside ‘Dores

Sep. 13, 2013—We're excited to welcome seven new student bloggers to the Inside 'Dores team! Jay introduces us to the magnificent seven.

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How To: Write Your Personal Essay

Sep. 11, 2013—As fall begins, so does application season. To help guide your way, Carolyn offers advice on all aspects of the application process, beginning with your personal essay.

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Campus Construction Update

Sep. 10, 2013—Photos and updates of some recent and ongoing campus construction projects.

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The Vander-bucket List

Sep. 6, 2013—"Before I die I want to ____________" How would you finish this sentence?

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VU Football Traditions 101

Sep. 4, 2013—Carolyn explains a few of Vanderbilt's many football traditions that emerge during football season.

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Vanderbilt and QuestBridge: A Perfect Match

Sep. 3, 2013—Many talented students aren't even applying to top colleges nationally, but Vanderbilt and QuestBridge are working to reverse this trend.

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