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‘Vanderbilt Admissions Blog’

Student Care Network

Oct. 3, 2018—As we wrote in our recent post on Diverse ‘Dores Day 2018, the Vanderbilt community is one that provides support to help students thrive in and out of the classroom. In addition to diversity and inclusion, this is also true when it comes to student health and wellbeing. That’s one reason behind the launch of...

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Meet Our Newest Blogger: Carolyn Pippen

Nov. 15, 2011—An introduction to Admissions Counselor and new blogger Carolyn Pippen.

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Register Now for PreVU Events

Jun. 10, 2011—PreVU 2011: Register Now for July and August Events! Vanderbilt University’s visit program, designed for rising seniors, kicks off later this month, but there is still room to register for the July and August events.  PreVU participants learn about Vanderbilt’s academic experience and our unique first-year students’ living and learning community, The Martha Rivers Ingram...

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Best Wishes!

May. 25, 2011—This is my last blog as a Vanderbilt admissions counselor.  I am incredibly sad to type that, but I am also excited for the future.  I’m not leaving the profession because I absolutely LOVE what I do.  However, I am “jumping to the other side of the desk” – I’ll be a college counselor on...

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Offers to WL Students Begin

May. 5, 2011—As we had hoped, we will use the waitlist this year to complete our Vanderbilt Class of 2015.  Over the next several weeks we will be offering admission to some students who are active on our waitlist.  To understand how our waitlist operates, read my previous post on that matter.  Some points to remember:

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Transfer FAQ: Will my credits transfer?

May. 3, 2011—OUA admissions counselors received many calls and emails lately regarding transfer credit and I thought it might be prudent to address it here. First, I am going to refer you to our Transfer FAQ page, where you’ll find the answer to your most general credit-related questions. Then, let me briefly review the process for the...

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Waitlist Update

Apr. 26, 2011—Wow.  A few months ago April 1 seemed like the magic date when everything would settle down, but here we are at the end of April and admission work is still full steam ahead!  I’m busy and I know you and your family are busy so let’s get down to the nitty gritty.

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PreVU Registration Now Open!

Apr. 15, 2011—Spend a day getting the inside story on our admissions process, learning more about our superior academics, finding out how we support diversity, discovering what we do to make Vanderbilt affordable, taking a campus tour, and seeing for yourself what life is like at one of America’s top universities.

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I am on the waitlist. Now what?

Apr. 7, 2011—The first thing I would say to a student on the waitlist is congratulations.  No, seriously.  In this hyper competitive admissions environment our waitlist hosts an amazing selection of academic all-stars.  Make no mistake- the waitlist was not haphazardly thrown together.  It was carefully crafted so that we have the absolute best students to choose...

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What do you want to know?

Mar. 31, 2011—I had an amazing meeting with my student bloggers this past Tuesday.  A core part of our meeting included planning for April blog topics and we kept circling back to the same question, “What do our readers want to know?  What questions do they have?  What do they want us to write about?”  So today...

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You’re Admitted! Now What?

Mar. 29, 2011—First, take a breather and appreciate what you’ve accomplished.  Then, explore our Class of 2015 page.  This will answer most of your questions about the matriculation deposit, setting up your VUnetID, and requesting housing on campus.  Also, explore the Common Place Class of 2015 message board where you’ll find helpful information regarding your life here...

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Behind the Scenes: Mailing Day 2011

Mar. 24, 2011—Yesterday we officially mailed our Class of 2015 admission decisions!  Every year Mailing Day is a celebration for us here at OUA as it represents an entire year’s worth of recruitment and evaluation.  Today the office is officially closed to the public as OUA staff members take a much needed breather and prepare for a...

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