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‘admissions counselor’

Online College Block Party

Oct. 11, 2019—College Greenlight will be hosting a free, two-day online college block party for high school students, parents, and counselors October 16-17 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. ET. Admissions experts or current college students from Vanderbilt, Stanford, Northwestern, Colgate, Rice, and Tufts will facilitate workshops that give key admissions insights into how institutions support first-gen or...

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Vanderbilt’s New Admissions Counselors

Aug. 12, 2019—Last week, applications officially opened for the Class of 2024, and Vanderbilt’s admissions counselors are already traveling the country to meet prospective students through the Vanderbilt Road Shows. This year, we’re thrilled to introduce five new Vanderbilt admissions counselors. These newest members of our team will represent Vanderbilt at high school visits, college fairs, and...

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Personalize Your College Search

Feb. 8, 2019—While many high school seniors are patiently awaiting college decisions at this time of year, if you’re younger, you may just be starting your college search process. If you’re a sophomore, you’re probably starting to get asked if you’ve thought about where you want to go to college. Have you started to put some thought...

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Introducing new blogger Mickhale Lamba!

Nov. 14, 2018—Hey everyone! My name is Mickhale Lamba and I am one of the newest admissions counselors in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. I’m also a new member of the blogging team, and I’m excited to share my perspective on the admissions process and all the things that make this university so special. I am originally...

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OUA’s New Admissions Counselors

Sep. 6, 2018—As we wave goodbye to summer and welcome new beginnings this fall, we would like to introduce our newest additions to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions! These counselors will represent Vanderbilt at high school visits, college fairs, and other events throughout the year — and you might just see one of them at your school!...

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Our Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes!

Nov. 21, 2017—Thanksgiving! After my birthday, I would probably say this is the second best holiday. For me, it’s an amazing, festive time to gather around one thing: FOOD—yay! We decided to take a break from posts about the application process, financial aid, and merit scholarships so we could highlight some of our favorite Thanksgiving dishes! But...

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OUA’s “Double ‘Dores”

Oct. 23, 2017—At Vanderbilt we have a term for undergraduate students who continue their education at one of Vanderbilt’s graduate or professional schools: Double ‘Dore. However, in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, we have a different kind of “Double Dore,” an admissions counselor who attended Vanderbilt as an undergraduate student and now works here as a counselor....

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How to Make the Most of College Fairs

Sep. 22, 2017—College fairs can be intimidating. Even as a seasoned admissions counselor, I still get wide-eyed when I walk into a room full of tables, and soon to be full of people, for the first time each season. College fairs are a great opportunity to learn about a number of different schools in one quick time...

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4 Ways to Apply

Sep. 12, 2017—Calling all seniors, it’s time to take the next step on your road to college — applications for admission are now available! At Vanderbilt we have four ways to apply:  the Coalition Application, Common Application, QuestBridge Application, and the Universal College Application. We don’t have a preference for one application method over any other, but we ask that you select...

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Introducing Our Newest Admissions Counselors!

Sep. 5, 2017—Well—it’s the start of another wonderful recruitment cycle! Do you know what that means for admissions counselors? Flights, applications, food, college fairs, hotels, and did I say amazing food?! As counselors, we enjoy forging new relationships and advocating for the admission of numerous, talented scholars! With an office of 32 admissions counselors, we practice a concept...

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Hometown Favorites

Dec. 29, 2016—Everyone knows our beloved city of Nashville as Music City, but what I love about Nashville is the food. As a Californian I grew up eating the best fresh fruits and veggies from the Redwood City farmer’s market, the best fish ‘n chips from Cook’s Seafood in Palo Alto, and the incomparable kung pao chicken...

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Photos from the Road

Oct. 28, 2016—It’s been a busy fall for my Vanderbilt admissions counselor colleagues. They’ve been traveling around the country and the world, talking to prospective students about college admissions and the Vanderbilt experience. With the Early Decision I deadline fast approaching, much of their travel for this fall is now in the rearview mirror. I’ve enjoyed seeing...

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