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Kaila Brown

Get to know Kaila

Where are you from?

Atlanta, Georgia

Which Admissions office programs are you involved in?

Counselor Conference, Access, and Publications, Digital Recruitment, and Social Media

What’s your favorite spot on campus?

Alumni Lawn! I love when the first couple days of Spring when it is finally warm outside and students flock to the lawn to play frisbee, lay out, and listen to music. It looks like a scene out of a movie!!

What hobby do you wish you had more time for?

Pinterest Crafting. If I had enough time I would actually make all the things on my boards… but we all know that’s impossible.

What did you study in college?

Sociology with a minor in Leadership and Organization!

If you could go to college again, what major would you choose?

Communications! I really like talking.

What is the hardest class you have ever taken?

Ironically enough it was actually my public speaking communications course. Giving speeches was so much fun, it was the tests that were absolutely brutal.

What’s your favorite off-campus hangout?

Fido! It is right off of campus in Hillsboro Village. They have really inventive lattes and I love a fancy cup of coffee. I have also heard that people have seen a celebrity or two there … but I haven’t so I guess I am doing something wrong!

What’s the best concert you’ve seen in Nashville?

Ben Rector! I have seen him twice in Nashville and each time was better than the last. Each of his concerts were general admission.

What is the moment you knew you were a Nashvillian?

When I blasted and passionately sang along to Ben Rector’s ‘Home’ when driving into Nashville after some time away, “there ain’t nothing wrong with all the places that I’ve been, but Lord won’t you take me home again.”

What is your favorite place to eat in Nashville?

Burger Up! I could eat their truffles fries for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

What celebrity would play you in the movie of your life?

Beyonce. No explanation necessary.

Do you have pets?

I do not. I do not trust myself to have a pet. I might get a fish though and name him Nemo.

If you weren’t an admissions counselor, what would you be?

A judge on Chopped. I love food and traveling to different restaurants. I also think that Chopped is the coolest show ever.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Live outside of your comfort zone and take chances. The sweetest moments of my life have occurred when I have tried something new.