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The Vanderbilt Waitlist: True and False

Apr. 24, 2019—So you have been placed on the waitlist — congrats! While this may not have been the news you were hoping for, it’s an accomplishment that should be celebrated! If you were placed on the waitlist, this means that we think you’d be a good addition to the Vanderbilt Class of 2023. However, with only...

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Spotlight on the Arts at Vanderbilt

Apr. 18, 2019—I am often amazed at the wide range of interests and involvement I see in Vanderbilt students. Econ majors who are into theatre, musicians who love to code, engineers who sing a capella — you see these kinds of interesting combinations all over the place at Vanderbilt. For many students, a passion for the arts...

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Virtual Tour: Update

Jan. 23, 2019—In the college search process, being able to visit campus can truly help you open your eyes and get a better understanding of what a college or university feels like. We know it’s not always possible to travel to a campus, so we offer a virtual tour. We’ve recently updated our virtual tour, and we’re excited...

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Winter Hours and Winter Fun

Dec. 21, 2018—During Vanderbilt’s winter break, our office hours will look a little different, as our admissions officers and staff are getting some much needed rest and fun heading into the new year! While the University is officially closed for winter break from Monday, December 24 to Wednesday, January 2, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will offer...

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Tips and Tricks on Engaging with Admissions Officers

Sep. 20, 2018—It’s the beginning of fall and the beginning of another application cycle, which means one thing for admissions officers — travel season is here! Here at Vanderbilt, our main travel season occurs during September and October as we travel across the country and the world to meet and engage with high school students on their...

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Academic Exploration

May. 3, 2018—For 3 of the last 4 years, Vanderbilt has received the “#1 Happiest Students” ranking from Princeton Review ! While a number of factors have led to this accolade; I believe one important Vanderbilt hallmark is that our students are free to explore all of their academic interests. At this moment, you may think you...

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Hidden Gems of Nashville

Mar. 22, 2018—Nashville is a city that is ever growing! I first moved to Nashville in 2010 as a first year student at Vanderbilt and in the last 8 years, the city has transformed into one of the top hot spots to visit. As a college student, this is really exciting as there is always something new...

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OUA’s “Double ‘Dores”

Oct. 23, 2017—At Vanderbilt we have a term for undergraduate students who continue their education at one of Vanderbilt’s graduate or professional schools: Double ‘Dore. However, in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, we have a different kind of “Double Dore,” an admissions counselor who attended Vanderbilt as an undergraduate student and now works here as a counselor....

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Tips for Letters of Recommendation

Oct. 4, 2017—It’s that time of year! High school seniors across that nation are diligently working to apply to colleges and universities across the world! While institutions have different applications, processes, and requirements, many require letters of recommendations. Here are some helpful tips as you begin to seek out the counselors, teachers, and other individuals in your academic...

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