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‘Vanderbilt Waitlist’

Waitlist FAQs 2018

Apr. 13, 2018—What does it mean to be on the waitlist? How does the waitlist work? When will I hear if I’m in? We know that April is a big month, and that includes the excitement and questions that come along with the decisions you recently received. Today, we bring you our Waitlist FAQ for 2018. Before...

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2013 Wait List Update

May. 5, 2013—We have started reaching out to students to whom we would like to offer admission from our wait list. As we have mentioned often on this blog, admitting students from our wait list is an anticipated necessity as we complete our class. We are committed to enrolling a class of 1,600 so that every first...

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Vandy Class of 2015 Full

Jul. 5, 2011—Emails will go out shortly informing first-year students on our wait list that the Vanderbilt class of 2015 is now full.

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Offers to WL Students Begin

May. 5, 2011—As we had hoped, we will use the waitlist this year to complete our Vanderbilt Class of 2015.  Over the next several weeks we will be offering admission to some students who are active on our waitlist.  To understand how our waitlist operates, read my previous post on that matter.  Some points to remember:

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Waitlist Update

Apr. 26, 2011—Wow.  A few months ago April 1 seemed like the magic date when everything would settle down, but here we are at the end of April and admission work is still full steam ahead!  I’m busy and I know you and your family are busy so let’s get down to the nitty gritty.

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I am on the waitlist. Now what?

Apr. 7, 2011—The first thing I would say to a student on the waitlist is congratulations.  No, seriously.  In this hyper competitive admissions environment our waitlist hosts an amazing selection of academic all-stars.  Make no mistake- the waitlist was not haphazardly thrown together.  It was carefully crafted so that we have the absolute best students to choose...

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Vanderbilt Class of 2015 Admission Decisions Mailed Today

Mar. 23, 2011—At 1:00 p.m. this afternoon an excited OUA staff filled two USPS mail trucks with admission decisions for the Class of 2015.  The past year of recruitment and evaluation resulted in Vanderbilt’s most impressive incoming class in university history.  We want to first thank each and every applicant who submitted themselves to our rigorous review...

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The Last Stretch

Mar. 14, 2011—Committee is complete. As I described before, each file we take into committee could fit perfectly well into the class, but we only have 1,600 spaces in the first-year class.  We evaluate the applications on the bubble (typically between admit and waitlist) in a committee format. OUA completed approximately 58 hours of discussion over the...

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2010 Waitlist Closed

Aug. 9, 2010—Emails have now gone out to all students who remained on our waitlist notifying them that our class is now full. This is a exciting for the University, as it means that we are one step closer to welcoming our next incoming class. However, we know that it also can be disappointing for some of you that were holding out hope of being admitted to Vanderbilt.

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Application Season is Coming and Late Summer Waitlist Update

Jul. 2, 2010—In less than two weeks, the Common Application will close down last year's version, take it offline only to reappear in a fresh version on August first. All of you rising seniors thought you had more time right? So what should you do after you register for the fall Road Show in your town, and subscribe to the Vandy Admissions blog? In a word, organize.

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Second Round of Waitlist Admits and Interest Check-ups

May. 14, 2010—This afternoon admissions officers began calling for our second round of admissions offers from our waitlist. As with last week, we will reach out to students we would like to admit by telephone over the next several days (2-3). We will then ask if the student would like to be admitted to Vanderbilt. If they...

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Waitlist Update Email Going Out Today

Apr. 23, 2010—Waiting is hard. We know that after starting your college search a year ago (at least) and going through the application process, the last thing you really want to do is wait some more. So for those of you who have agreed to do so by accepting a spot on our waitlist, thank you. The good news is that barring an unforseen circumstance we do anticipate that we will be able to admit students from our waitlist at some point.

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