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Second Round of Waitlist Admits and Interest Check-ups

Posted by on Friday, May 14, 2010 in Commencement, Waitlist.

This afternoon admissions officers began calling for our second round of admissions offers from our waitlist. As with last week, we will reach out to students we would like to admit by telephone over the next several days (2-3). We will then ask if the student would like to be admitted to Vanderbilt. If they say yes, an emailed admission letter will be sent, and then a short time later, an offer of financial aid (if the student applied for it).

We will also be emailing out another round of interest check-ups to all students still active on our waitlist. It will ask students to visit a website and update us on their continued interest in Vanderbilt. If you originally indicated that you were interested in being on our waitlist, but now are not as interested, we would ask that you say so, as this only helps those students who still remain very interested in being admitted here.

Commencement took place this morning on Vanderbilt’s campus and as usual it was a spectacular affair out on the lawn (which rests right outside our windows). It’s quite something to come out of your office to a chorus of trumpets. Hope all of your graduations are equally exciting.



  • Allan Y

    May 14th, 2010

    Thom – how many ’rounds’ of admissions will there be?

  • Thom

    May 14th, 2010


    We don’t know right now how many rounds there will be. When the class is full, we’ll send out an email indicating as such.


  • Glen H

    May 15th, 2010


    Can you give us any update on the Transfer Wait List?

  • alex

    May 15th, 2010

    are the interest check-ups kids a different group than the second round admission offers? If I got an interest check-up, does that mean you are not calling this week???

  • Hillary

    May 15th, 2010

    Thom, can you give us any insight as to how many spots remain unfilled at Vandy?

  • Anderson

    May 16th, 2010

    Thom, do they make enough calls to fill the class each time they make a wave of calls, and then depending on however many accept the offer, make more calls? Or do they do a few at a time?

  • Andrea

    May 17th, 2010

    Thanks for the update, Thom.

  • Vhopeful

    May 17th, 2010

    What is the criteria for the admits off the waitlist? I know someone who has actively contacted his regional admission officer and been very proactive in trying to get in to no avail. I just want to know what the admissions department is looking for.

  • JW

    May 19th, 2010

    Line 2: students, not student’s …. there is no need for an apostrophe !

  • Tim McGinnis

    May 20th, 2010

    When do expect the second round of wait list offers to end?? When does the third round begin?? My daughter fell in love with Vanderbilt from the first time we visited the campus. She would love to become a part of the Vanderbilt community. I truly appreciate all of the updates.

  • Eager Parent

    May 21st, 2010

    Received our call today, 5.21….we’re in!!

  • James Zachary Boyette

    May 22nd, 2010


    Hello! Thank you for your continued updates. I am a student in Chattanooga, TN, and have tried unsuccessfully to get in touch with Mrs. Montenegro, the admissions rep for Middle Tennessee. Should an e-mail message to Mrs. Montenegro suffice to express that Vanderbilt is still my first-choice school? Thank you very much!

  • AW

    May 24th, 2010

    When will the next round begin?

  • curious

    May 24th, 2010

    Just wondering if Thom had any updates for us: are more calls being made? I read somewhere that Vandy had over 1700 students on the WL and only 170 would be offered spots. Have 170 offers already been made? Any current information will be greatly appreciated!

  • Thom

    May 24th, 2010

    Hello everyone,

    The waitlist is still active for us and the incoming class is not yet full. We sent out an email to people still on our waiting list to gauge the interest in VU and so we are collecting that information and watching the daily take of deposits. Similarly we watch our withdrawals as a small handful of students who have sent in their deposits to us are taken off the waitlist elsewhere. Can’t say how many spots remain at this point and I don’t know when we’ll go back out with more calls to the waitlist. Of course when we know more, you’ll be hearing from me.


  • proud parent

    May 27th, 2010

    Hi Thom, My daughter has been sending e-mails to her admission counselor and recently has not gotten a response. Does this mean that her counselor is not interested in her? Just wondering if she should continue to pursue the waitlist and continue the contact with her counselor? Thanks!

  • Sherrie

    May 27th, 2010

    Ouch! This is a painful process! Keeping those fingers crossed!

  • D

    May 29th, 2010


    I have been offered admission from the second wave yesterday and was told an email with information on my financial aid would come within 24 hours. This was not the case for me and I know for sure that I did apply. As we all know, money is very crucial in the decision-making process, so I really need that information to be able to commit to Vanderbilt for sure. It’s a pity that of all weekends, this one happens to be the memorial day weekend and practically no one @ VU is able to assist me. As in, by the time I get to contacting VU and figuring things out and finally receiving my fin aid information, I don’t know if my candidate reply will arrive at the undergrad admission office in time. Since I have not received all of my admission information, is it possible to get an extended deadline? Could you advise me on what to do at this point? Thanks.

  • Kavita Gupta

    June 22nd, 2010


    When will third round start. We usually see every 2 weeks updates on your blog. Everyday I check your blog to find out status of waitlist Blog. I know Vanderbilt will be definitely best fit to achieve my goals and help me to shine education and become a better person to server other people.

  • Waitlist Hopeful

    July 13th, 2010


    If I am out of the country at the time and unable to take the call from admissions office, will they move on to the next person on the waitlist?