Early Decision Category
Class of 2029 — Early Decision by the Numbers
Feb. 27, 2025—Earlier this month, we released our Early Decision II admissions decisions for the Class of 2029. We are so excited to welcome these new Commodores! As we’ve wrapped up early decision, here’s a brief statistical summary of Early Decision I and Early Decision II combined. Early Decision Admissions Statistics Early Decision applications: 6,762, a 16%...
Class of 2028 — Early Decision by the Numbers
Feb. 16, 2024—We recently released Early Decision II admissions decisions for applicants to the Class of 2028. We are thrilled to welcome our newest Commodores into the Vanderbilt community! Now that we’ve completed our early rounds, here’s a brief statistical summary of Early Decision I and Early Decision II combined. Early Decision Admissions Statistics Early Decision applications: 5,835...
Understanding College Admissions Decisions Plans – Early Action, Early Decision, and Regular Decision
Oct. 13, 2019—If you’re a high school senior starting the process of applying to college, you may be thinking about decision plan to use. Colleges offer varying decision plans with different deadlines, different levels of commitment, and different dates when you’ll find out admissions decisions. We’re here today with an overview of some of the main types...
Class of 2023 – Early Decision by the Numbers
Feb. 20, 2019—On Friday we released admissions decisions for the Early Decision II applicants to the Vanderbilt Class of 2023. With that, we’ve finished the Early Decision portion of admission to the new class, and we’re able to share some summary statistics about our new students. This is an amazingly talented group, and we look forward to...
Early Decision II – Decisions Available Online February 15
Feb. 14, 2019—As of Friday, February 15, after 5:00 p.m. Central Time, decisions for Early Decision II applicants will be available online through MyAppVU. See the online decision release notes below for more details about how to check your decision. We’re honored that so many talented students chose to apply through Early Decision II. This group of applicants...
Early Decision I – Decisions Available Online December 13
Dec. 12, 2018—As of Thursday, December 13, after 5:30 p.m. Central Time, decisions for Early Decision I applicants will be available online through MyAppVU. See the online decision release notes below for more details about how to check your decision. We’re excited to welcome these new students to the Vanderbilt community. The applicants for Early Decision I were...
Class of 2022 – Early Decision by the Numbers
Feb. 23, 2018—Last week we released admissions decisions for EDII applicants, wrapping up our Early Decision admissions phase for the Class of 2022. Now that we’ve completed both Early Decision I and II, we’re able to share some summary statistics about these new Commodores. They’re an incredible group of students, and we’re excited for them to join...
Welcome, Class of 2022!
Dec. 27, 2017—Earlier this month, we welcomed the first members of the Vanderbilt Class of 2022 when we released our Early Decision I admissions notifications. Since then, we’ve been watching the excitement with which these new ‘Dores have been sharing their news. Check out the posts below to see some of the fun. To our newly admitted students,...
Early Decision I Decisions Available Online Dec. 14
Dec. 13, 2017—It’s almost time to welcome the first members of the Vanderbilt Class of 2022 to the Commodore community! As of Thursday, December 14, after 5:30 p.m. Central Time, admissions decisions for Early Decision I applicants will be available online through MyAppVU. See the online decision release notes below for more details about how to check your...
Introducing Our Newest Admissions Counselors!
Sep. 5, 2017—Well—it’s the start of another wonderful recruitment cycle! Do you know what that means for admissions counselors? Flights, applications, food, college fairs, hotels, and did I say amazing food?! As counselors, we enjoy forging new relationships and advocating for the admission of numerous, talented scholars! With an office of 32 admissions counselors, we practice a concept...
Welcome to Vanderbilt, #vu2021
Jan. 19, 2017—In December we welcomed the newest members of the Vanderbilt community when we released our Early Decision I results for The Class of 2021. Since then, we’ve been enjoying the excitement they’ve shown on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and other social media. We’ve enjoyed it so much, in fact, that we’ve compiled many of the...
Early Decision I Decisions Available Online Dec. 15
Dec. 14, 2016—Get ready to welcome the first members of the Vanderbilt Class of 2021! As of Thursday, December 15, after 5:30 p.m. Central Time, admissions decisions for Early Decision I applicants will be available online through MyAppVU. See the online decision release notes below for more details about how to check your decision. We’re very excited...