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College Application Guides Category

Why Apply? Student Perspectives on Applying to VU

Nov. 8, 2016—As a Vanderbilt alumna, Class of 2014, I am often asked by prospective students, “Why did you apply to Vanderbilt?” The truth is there were a lot of things that drew me to Vanderbilt University: the gorgeous campus, the residential life, Vanderbilt’s proximity to the vibrant city of Nashville, the academics that would challenge beyond...

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What Should I Major In?

Nov. 2, 2016—“What should I major in?” As an admissions officer, this is a question I frequently get from high school seniors in the college search process. Well-prepared high school students have nearly endless opportunities in front of them, and that can be a bit overwhelming at times. But have no fear; the Vanderbilt Admissions Blog is...

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January 1: Deadline for Early Decision II and Regular Decision

Dec. 17, 2014—Our Early Decision II and Regular Decision deadline, January 1, is quickly approaching. But, don't let this deadline ruin your winter break and the sentiment of the holiday season.

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Tips for Letters of Recommendation

Oct. 31, 2014—You need recommendations as a part of your application for admission, and we're here with the three steps you need to get them done right.

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Using the Application QuickGuide

Jul. 26, 2013—Get a jump start on college applications by researching each school's individual requirements.

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Dr. Douglas Christiansen on Community Service and the Admissions Process

Dec. 8, 2011—Dr. Douglas Christiansen gives you a inside look at how extracurriculars play into the admissions process.

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Advice for Applicants Dealing with Weather-Related Issues

Oct. 31, 2011—Advice for Applicants Dealing with Weather-Related Issues

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Using College Navigator

Jan. 31, 2011—Here’s an email I received over the weekend: Dear Ms. Stanley, My name is Jane Doe and I am a junior in high school in Illinois.  I plan on applying to Vanderbilt this fall and I wanted to know if you can tell me, of the students that were accepted to Vanderbilt over the past...

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What College Admissions Officers REALLY Want You to Know

Aug. 2, 2010—Standing in the reference aisle of Border’s yesterday I found myself both overwhelmed and amused with the plethora of admissions advice displayed on the shelves. One book, in particular, jumped out at me, the subtitle was “What College Admissions Officers Don’t Want You to Know”. As I flipped through the chapters I found absolutely nothing...

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Part III – Tips For Applying to College

Mar. 8, 2010—This is part III of a three part series entitled The Dos and Don’ts of Applying to College.  In the first two entries I covered the Dos and the Don’ts for the college search process. In six months time you will finally be applying to colleges, so when that time comes here a few final thoughts...

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The DON'Ts of Applying to College (Part I)

Feb. 25, 2010—A few weeks ago I was asked to sit on a panel and speak to the Junior Class at one of my Westchester County High Schools.  I spoke to the junior students and parents regarding the Do’s and Don’ts of the College Search Process. For any of you juniors (or sophomores) this will hopefully be a...

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Early Decision II Letters Are Out the Door…

Feb. 6, 2009—Hello Vandy Admissions Blog Readers, The allegations are true. Early Decision II letters are in the mail. We are in the process of compiling the statistical data and will release the information in the coming days. Best of luck to all applicants and congratulations to all new Commodores.

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