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What do admissions counselors do in the summer?

Jul. 6, 2018—Summertime is historically a bit quieter here on the Vanderbilt campus. Many of us are still in the office, debating the latest viral trend (like Yanny versus Laurel), and while it is a bit more calm here, we still find plenty of ways to keep busy. Here is a sneak peek into what we’re up...

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Life After Vanderbilt: Career Outcomes

May. 31, 2018—In honor of Vanderbilt’s Commencement and our recent graduates, let’s fast forward for a moment. Fast forward past your own high school graduation. Imagine jumping a few years past that to your college graduation. When you walk across that stage, do you see yourself having a job? Traveling the world? Giving back to your community? Or...

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Waitlist FAQs 2018

Apr. 13, 2018—What does it mean to be on the waitlist? How does the waitlist work? When will I hear if I’m in? We know that April is a big month, and that includes the excitement and questions that come along with the decisions you recently received. Today, we bring you our Waitlist FAQ for 2018. Before...

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Great Minds Think Alike

Mar. 16, 2018—You’ve heard about what we did during your summer vacation.  You know we travel extensively during the fall. But have you ever wondered what actually happens when your Vanderbilt admissions counselors are all back in the office together? In addition to running visit programs like Black & Gold Days and the work of reading all those...

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Tips for Writing Your College Essay

Oct. 9, 2017—When I speak with students about the components of an application to Vanderbilt, I always save the personal essay for last. This is partly because it is my favorite part of the application to read, but also because I know this is often the most dreaded part of the application process. I know, I know:...

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How to Make the Most of College Fairs

Sep. 22, 2017—College fairs can be intimidating. Even as a seasoned admissions counselor, I still get wide-eyed when I walk into a room full of tables, and soon to be full of people, for the first time each season. College fairs are a great opportunity to learn about a number of different schools in one quick time...

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What We Did on Your Summer Vacation!

Sep. 14, 2017—Ah, sweet summertime. For me, thinking about summer conjures up the smell of sunscreen, the taste of PreVU salmon on The Commons, the warmth of the hot Nashville sun, and of course, travel! While summertime may be a break for some, at the Office of Undergraduate Admissions it’s a time when we continue to hit...

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