Whether in person or virtually, Vanderbilt admissions counselors connect with prospective students across the country and around the world via high school visits, college fairs, and more.
Road Shows
Vanderbilt hosts Road Shows across the United States. These 90-minute events include a presentation from admissions officers on academic and student life at Vanderbilt, the admissions process, and financial aid and scholarships. There will be plenty of time for questions.
High School Visits
Throughout the academic year, Vanderbilt admissions counselors visit high schools across the country and around the world (in person and virtually) to speak with students and their parents about Vanderbilt, Nashville, and the admissions and financial aid process. Every visit includes plenty of time for questions and answers.
If you are on our mailing list, you will receive an email notifying you when a Vanderbilt admissions counselor is visiting your high school. You can also contact your high school counselor to find out if we are coming to visit.
College Fairs
Throughout the fall and spring, Vanderbilt participates in hundreds of college fairs hosted across the country and around the world. Many college fairs are hosted at local high schools, but some fairs are held at larger public venues. Attending college fairs is an excellent way to gather information about many colleges and universities at one time. Like most universities, Vanderbilt may be represented by an admissions counselor, a Vanderbilt alumnus/a, or a parent of a Vanderbilt student.
See the links below for college fair listings and make sure to check with your school counselor for additional information about local college fairs.