‘Vanderbilt alumni’
8 Tips for Attending College Fairs
Sep. 16, 2015—As a counselor who has been attending college fairs for several years now, I can honestly say that I’ve been asked everything under the sun I expect to hear the more typical (but important) questions about class size, campus environment, major and minor offerings, SAT and ACT requirements, application process and of course “how do I get in?” But there are always those questions that take me by surprise.
Vanderbilt Athletes in the Pros
Oct. 25, 2012—Updates on three former Commodores making waves in the world of professional sports.
Current Students, Standing By
Sep. 12, 2012—Our student representatives know more than the rest of us (about everything outside the classroom, at least). Yes, really.
The Best Four Years of Your Life
Jan. 25, 2010—College will not be the best four years of your life. Regardless of what you hear as you prepare for college, remember that no life should peak between ages 18 and 22. The four years you spend during your undergraduate education will hopefully be fun, exciting, and inspirational. However, there will also be moments of...