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3 Cheers for Spring Travel!

May. 17, 2018—‘Tis the season for amazing spring travel! It’s been quite busy this spring attending college fairs, speaking engagements, and high schools. Not to mention, we’ve visited some pretty nice places. Thanks to this new phenomenon called, “the selfie” —we have captured some amazing shots, and today on the blog we’d like to share a few...

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Our Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes!

Nov. 21, 2017—Thanksgiving! After my birthday, I would probably say this is the second best holiday. For me, it’s an amazing, festive time to gather around one thing: FOOD—yay! We decided to take a break from posts about the application process, financial aid, and merit scholarships so we could highlight some of our favorite Thanksgiving dishes! But...

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Introducing Our Newest Admissions Counselors!

Sep. 5, 2017—Well—it’s the start of another wonderful recruitment cycle! Do you know what that means for admissions counselors? Flights, applications, food, college fairs, hotels, and did I say amazing food?! As counselors, we enjoy forging new relationships and advocating for the admission of numerous, talented scholars! With an office of 32 admissions counselors, we practice a concept...

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What Should I Major In?

Nov. 2, 2016—“What should I major in?” As an admissions officer, this is a question I frequently get from high school seniors in the college search process. Well-prepared high school students have nearly endless opportunities in front of them, and that can be a bit overwhelming at times. But have no fear; the Vanderbilt Admissions Blog is...

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The Nashville Fall "Event List"

Oct. 24, 2016—Welcome to the wonderful world of Music City, home to celebrities such as Taylor Swift, Keith Urban, Hannah Montana, and myself, Keldrick! As I have traveled to high schools and college fairs this fall, I’ve enjoyed telling prospective students about the bustling city we call Nashville. Personally, I think of Nashville as a quaint, southern...

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Introducing New Blogger Keldrick L. Stephens

Aug. 8, 2016—Hello, world! My name is Keldrick L. Stephens and I am truly ecstatic to join the Office of Admissions team as an admissions counselor and contributor to the OUA Admissions Blog—I sincerely hope that you can sense my enthusiasm! I look forward to sharing any additional knowledge and valuable insight on the admissions process. This...

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