‘guidance counselors’
Strange Days
Mar. 27, 2020—The leaders of our office, John Gaines and Doug Christiansen, recently sent the following message to our partners in the college admissions process, your high school counselors. We want students and parents to be able to read it too, so we’re posting it here: The chorus of the John Lennon song “Nobody Told Me”...
Tips for Letters of Recommendation
Oct. 31, 2014—You need recommendations as a part of your application for admission, and we're here with the three steps you need to get them done right.
Application FAQs
Jan. 10, 2014—Carolyn answers the questions our admissions counselors have been hearing most frequently over the last several days.
The Waiting
Jan. 23, 2013—Carolyn outlines some next steps for those of you who have completed and submitted your application for admission.
Guest Blog: Tips For Writing Your Personal Essay
Nov. 22, 2011—Sage advice from one of our counselors who's worked both sides of the admissions process.