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‘Dore for a day’

Campus Visit Options

Nov. 25, 2013—Carolyn highlights several different opportunities for prospective students to view campus life at Vanderbilt.

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‘Dore for a Day Registration is Open!

Jul. 22, 2013—Sign up today for a chance to shadow a current Vanderbilt student for an afternoon this fall.

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Why VU? The Wendi Wang Bonus Track

May. 1, 2013—Sophomore Wendi Wang gives us one last set of insights into what makes the Vanderbilt experience so special.

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I’m Admitted – Now What?

Apr. 12, 2013—Carolyn gives an update and some helpful tips for our admitted students.

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Fall Campus Visits: Everything You Wanted to Know and More

Oct. 9, 2012—Carolyn dishes out a ton of useful information on how to prepare for a fall campus visit to Vanderbilt.

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The DON'Ts of Applying to College (Part I)

Feb. 25, 2010—A few weeks ago I was asked to sit on a panel and speak to the Junior Class at one of my Westchester County High Schools.  I spoke to the junior students and parents regarding the Do’s and Don’ts of the College Search Process. For any of you juniors (or sophomores) this will hopefully be a...

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