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New Student Video: Cici Zhang—“An Ambitious Young Woman”

Oct. 14, 2016—Cici Zhang, current senior from Beijing, China, is truly mutli-faceted. An honors student in Peabody’s child development major, Cici minors in quantitative methods and human and organizational development. She’s conducted research in Vanderbilt’s Infant Learning Lab, and at Beijing Normal University, comparing parenting styles in her native China and the U.S., and how those styles...

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International Admitted Students Hangout

Apr. 15, 2016—In our latest Google Hangout for admitted students, we offer a hangout specifically for admitted international students. Current VU students Cici Zhang (Beijing, China), Musbah Shaheen (Homs, Syria), Aditi Thakur (New Delhi, India), and Diana Handal (San Pedro Sula, Honduras) discuss their experiences coming to Vanderbilt from abroad. Have any more questions? Contact a current International...

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Vanderbilt Visits You

Apr. 8, 2015—Starting this month, Vanderbilt will be on the road introducing families and students alike to the benefits and distinctions of a Vanderbilt experience. David has an overview of upcoming events today on the blog.

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VU Visits You – Travel Updates

Sep. 24, 2013—With the calendar officially turning the corner from summer to fall, travel season is now well underway for us here at the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Jay has a look at where we've been as well as where we're going.

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Fall Joint Travel

Sep. 7, 2012—Carolyn highlights the recruiting trips several of our counselors will be taking with representatives from other institutions.

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