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Political Life at Vanderbilt Category

What “Type” Are You?

Oct. 21, 2011—Undergraduate Admissions Counselor Carolyn Pippen breaks down the myth of Vanderbilt as a "type" school.

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On to Finals

Dec. 2, 2009—This is always an interesting time of year at Vanderbilt. Everyone has just returned from a week-long (plus two weekends) Thanksgiving Break. It’s not wise for us professors to suggest to our students that they’re going off on vacation for a week. The way our academic calendar is structured, students inevitably have some work, sometimes...

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Vandy Admissions Deadlines: Your to-do list for this weekend

Oct. 31, 2008—There’s a great line from an Arrested Development episode, spoken as a teaser by a TV news anchor, “Packs of wolves loose on the streets of Orange County – we’ll tell you what it means for your weekend when we come back.”  Just thought of it when I was writing the title for this post. ...

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Why You Should Care About Robert Kennedy

May. 29, 2008—For as much bluster that the French get in our current political sphere (Freedom Fries . . . really?) the center of Washington, D.C. with its sweeping boulevards, towering columns and monuments, perpendicular vistas, and multitude of parks and park benches is as French as any American city gets. Makes sense, in that it was...

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Fried Oreos, Going Potluck and the VU Waitlist

May. 26, 2008—Happy Memorial Day from IndianapolisYesterday I attended my 8th Indianapolis 500 Mile Race. It’s not that I’m a big race guy sitting in the stands with a stop watch charting lap splits or anything. I go because it’s a sporting and cultural phenomenon, both on the track and off. Here’s a sport where even the...

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