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Immersion Vanderbilt Category

Find Your Impact at Vanderbilt

May. 7, 2019—With Commencement just days away, now is a great time to take a look at how Vanderbilt seniors are making a difference on campus and in the world. During their time at Vanderbilt, the students profiled below have explored their passions and found ways to make an impact. Our amazing students immerse themselves into myriad...

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Spotlight on Research

Apr. 11, 2019—I often hear from prospective students who are currently participating in their own research projects — independently, at their high schools, or even in collaboration with college students or professors at local universities — and want to continue to pursue research at Vanderbilt. So today we’re going to shine a spotlight on undergraduate research opportunities at...

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Immersion Vanderbilt

Jul. 13, 2018—Immersion Vanderbilt is a new academic initiative designed to integrate classroom knowledge with experience, and give Vanderbilt students a deeper, more complete education. Immersion Vanderbilt calls for undergraduates to undertake an intensive learning experience that marries their interests and passion in making a change in the world. Students will be able to pursue these opportunities through...

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