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Admissions Committee Category

Meet Nicole Molina

Jan. 6, 2011—I am the admissions counselor responsible for Southern California and Illinois, except Chicagoland. In the office I work on: Black and Gold Days and with CoRPs (Commodore Recruitment Programs).

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ED I Update

Dec. 12, 2010—Much of the information below will come as a repeat to you if you’ve kept up with the comments.  Many questions keep popping up, though, so I wanted to address those major topics here.  Additionally, I want to add a bit of a personal perspective in these last few days before our ED I applicants...

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How We Read a File

Nov. 19, 2010—In a previous post I walked readers through how all of our mail makes it into a complete application file.  I ended with the file landing in the “Read me!” bin of my office.  The question begs, then what?  How does an admissions counselor actually read a file, what are we looking for, and where...

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Wrapping Up Travel Season – What Comes Next?

Oct. 11, 2010—Hopefully, you’ve had the chance to meet an admissions representative from our office in the past few months.  Officers (including myself) from Vanderbilt traveled extensively this fall in order to meet prospective students in their hometowns.   If you didn’t get to meet one of us in your region, come visit us! OUA is open six...

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Meet Thom Golden

Oct. 8, 2010—My  hometown is Snellville, GA by way of Nashville, TN. I am the admissions counselor responsible for the areas of Chicago, Mexico & the Caribbean.

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Meet John Nesbitt

Sep. 24, 2010—My hometown is Winston-Salem, NC. I am the admissions counselor responsible for Westchester County, NY, San Francisco and the Bay Area, the Middle East and India.

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Meet Mary Comfort Stevens

Sep. 16, 2010—My hometown is Abington, PA. I am the admissions counselor responsible for middle Tennessee (students who go to school in Davidson, Williamson, Rutherford, and Montgomery Counties), plus Canada and Africa.

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Secrets from the Admissions Office

Sep. 15, 2010—While I know everyone reading our Vandy Admissions Blog loves hearing from me, I want to point readers today to a Newsweek Education article.  Our Dean of Admissions sat down with Newsweek Education and answered critical questions we hear everyday in OUA.

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What College Admissions Officers REALLY Want You to Know

Aug. 2, 2010—Standing in the reference aisle of Border’s yesterday I found myself both overwhelmed and amused with the plethora of admissions advice displayed on the shelves. One book, in particular, jumped out at me, the subtitle was “What College Admissions Officers Don’t Want You to Know”. As I flipped through the chapters I found absolutely nothing...

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Vanderbilt Class of 2014 Notifications in the Mail

Mar. 26, 2010—The months of waiting are one step closer to ending, and we are grateful for your patience. Decision notifications for the next incoming class of Vanderbilt University left our building on two USPS trucks and are on their way to you. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we were again humbled this year by an incoming class that continued to reach historic levels of diversity, academic quality, and depth of leadership, character, and personality. The pool of applicants for this year’s incoming class was no less than astounding.

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Our Own Selection Sunday

Mar. 15, 2010—Sports talk radio was hammering the NCAA basketball selection committee as I waded through traffic and rain drops this morning. The committee was enduring the yearly second guessing of their work and as they did I thought about how I spent my day yesterday – in Vanderbilt’s own selection committee. I feel for them. Admissions...

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Part III – Tips For Applying to College

Mar. 8, 2010—This is part III of a three part series entitled The Dos and Don’ts of Applying to College.  In the first two entries I covered the Dos and the Don’ts for the college search process. In six months time you will finally be applying to colleges, so when that time comes here a few final thoughts...

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