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10 Must-Follow VU Social Media Accounts

Posted by on Thursday, March 6, 2014 in Commons, General Information, Social Media in Higher Education.

As a regular reader of the Admissions Blog, you probably know all about the Office of Undergraduate Admissions social media and already follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Sure, you think to yourself, these are great ways to get a closer look at campus, learn more about life at Vanderbilt, and get answers to questions about admissions. But now you’re ready for a next-level look at VU, and you want to expand your social search. Well, we’ve got you covered. Here are 10 must-follow Vanderbilt social media accounts.

  1. @VanderbiltU on Twitter. The official Twitter feed of Vanderbilt University, this account will keep you up-to-date on everything from midterms to the latest discoveries happening at Vanderbilt.

  2. Vanderbilt GEO on Facebook. The Vanderbilt Global Education Office Facebook page provides resources for study abroad and global community service, as well as incredible international photos from Vanderbilt students abroad.

    Vanderbilt GEO's photo posts give you a glimpse of possible study abroad destinations.
  3. @IngramCommonson Twitter. What better way to learn about The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons than to follow this account chronicling the experiences of faculty and students in this living and learning community.

  4. VUCommodores on YouTube. The official YouTube channel of VU Athletics, this account is a great way to learn more about your favorite Commodore teams and the student athletes who make them great. You can also learn the answer to the elusive question, “Who is Tyler Beede?”
  5. @vandyPB on Twitter The Vanderbilt Programming Board is a coalition of student programming organizations across campus, who work together to sponsor annual events such as Rites of Spring, the IMPACT Symposium, and Homecoming. Follow their account to be among the first to learn about upcoming campus events.

  6. VanderbiltU on Pinterest. This account pins everything from research and campus events to VU-themed weddings and fashion. Share your VU photos here!

    VanderbiltU Pinterest featuring some stylish VU shoes.
  7. @VandyCampusDining on Instagram. Vanderbilt Campus Dining takes their food seriously – but not too seriously. Their Instagram account features photos of their latest dishes and special holiday dining experiences.

    @VandyCampusDining, inducing cravings with their latest Instagrams.
  8. Vanderbilt Center for Student Professional Development on Facebook. The Vanderbilt Center for Student Professional development is dedicated to advancing the careers of Vanderbilt students and recent graduates. Their Facebook page features tips for job-seekers, internship advice, and news about their professional development events.
  9. VandyFineArtsGallery on flickr. If you can’t make it over to Cohen Hall for a first-hand look at the art on display at the Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery, their flickr account is the next best thing.
  10. @vanderbiltadmissions on Weibo. Ok, so this one might not be for everyone, but if you’re looking for a Chinese-language Vanderbilt social media account, then this really is a must-follow. In fact, if that’s what you’re looking for you should check out our Renren page as well.

If this list doesn’t satisfy your craving for Vanderbilt social media outlets, check out, Vanderbilt’s all-in-one stop for all things social media. We’d love to hear from you on our accounts, so be sure to say hello – they don’t call it social media for nothin’!

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