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Things That Are Chock Full of Awesome: March Edition

Posted by on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 in Balance, Nashville, Rites of Spring, Vanderbilt Alternative Spring Break, Vanderbilt Blogs, Vandy Athletics.

  1. Vanderbilt students are scattered to the winds for Spring Break, including our ASB Groups out there helping hundreds if not thousands of people, go ‘Dores.  Selfishly, I celebrate increased parking spots.
  2. Head Commodore Football Coach and all around great ambassador for Vandy, Bobby Johnson was recently named 2008 Nashville Sports Person of the Year.
  3. Krispy Kreme donuts and the wonderful colleague who brought them in this morning.
  4. Rites of Spring quickly approaching with headliners just announced: Flaming Lips, Q-Tip & N.E.R.D.
  5. Ridiculously stupid car window art.


Also making today a buffet of awesome is that March is here, which means we mail decisions in less than 4 weeks from now.  Our officers keep reading and getting ready for MOSAIC.  In the meantime, feel free to check out BlogVU, which collects many of the best blogging coming out of Vanderbilt.  A personal favorite is the Barca Blog.

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