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Road Shows – We’re Coming to Visit You!

Posted by on Friday, July 21, 2017 in Road Shows, Vandy Bloggers.

It’s time for the return of the Vanderbilt Road Show, which means we’re hitting the road to visit you! Over the next few weeks, Vanderbilt admissions counselors will be traveling to more than 45 locations across the country for presentations about Vanderbilt and the admissions process. There’s still time to register for the Road Show in your area — see the Road Show page for the list of cities and registration information.

Vanderbilt Road Shows are a great way for you to get to know more about us. These 90-minute events feature our very own admissions counselors presenting on topics like academics, student life, financial aid, the admissions process, living in Nashville, and more. Each Road Show also includes time for questions from you and your parents, so come prepared to ask the questions you’ve been wanting to ask.

If you’d like to get more information on our travel to your area, as well as on campus visit programs, academic offerings, and much more, sign up for our mailing list.

We hope to see you on the road!

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  • Polly Hebert

    August 20th, 2017

    My question is for admissions. My daughter is just a HS freshman at a very small charter school that does not offer AP or honors classes. The only thing they offer is dual enrollment at the community college 10th-12th grades, but since I work I cannot get her there next year. If she doesn’t do dual enrollment will this really hurt her in the admissions process? We live in CA and visited Vanderbilt this summer and she loved it so much. She is trying hard to set herself up the best way possible to be able to attend Vanderbilt. Thanks for any adivise.

  • Jay Watson

    September 14th, 2017

    Thank you for the question, Polly. In our review process, we evaluate a student’s high school transcript based on what is available at the school; students aren’t penalized because of their school’s limited offerings. Our best advice is for your daughter to take the most challenging curriculum (that she can do well in) that is available at the school. If you have more questions, I suggest you reach out to her Vanderbilt admissions counselor. You can find our listing at