What We’re Listening To: Road Show Soundtrack Vol. 1
If you’ve been checking in on the OUA Instagram lately, you may have noticed admissions counselors popping up in interesting places. You might have spotted Sarah Quin and Jessica Forinash on their swing through the Midwest or seen Maria Ornelas and Dustin Lynn at their stop in Colorado. These counselors have hit the road for the first installment of this year’s Vanderbilt Road Show, our cross-country, barnstorming, college admissions extravaganza covering topics like academics, student life, the admissions process, financial aid, and more.

Like any good road trip, the Vanderbilt Road Show needs a soundtrack, and for this year’s songs we’ve compiled our favorite guilty pleasures. These are the songs we belt out in the shower when we know nobody is listening; the songs we’d never admit knowing all the lyrics to; the songs we put on for a long road trip when it’s just us in the car.
Like this year’s Road Shows, which are such a big deal that we’re doing both early and late summer installments, we’ve split our soundtrack into two halves, which I’m calling the Black and Gold albums, respectively. Unlike previous installments in the “What We’re Listening To” series, I’m not going to tell you who picked which song – these are our guilty pleasures, after all, and some things should remain a mystery. I will say that this installment contains tracks selected by Amy Smith, David Lazo, Julianna Staples, Jan Deike, Daphne Myers, Mary Beth Tift, Thom Golden, Sarah Quin, Tricia Blumenthal, Maria Ornelas, and even this humble blogger.
If you’d like to get in on the fun of Vanderbilt Road Shows yourself, check back later this summer to see which cities we will be visiting in August and September. Until then, I leave you with the 2014 Vanderbilt Road Show Soundtrack: The Black Album.