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International Education Week 2013

Posted by on Thursday, November 14, 2013 in Community Service, International Students, Student Life, Study Abroad, Uncategorized.

This week, Vanderbilt students, faculty, and staff are participating in International Education Week 2013, a celebration of our truly global campus community.  With students and scholars representing 112 countries, Vanderbilt enjoys a diverse and dynamic international flavor. The International Ed Week program of events is co-sponsored by International Student & Scholar ServicesGlobal Education Office and the Vanderbilt International Office, with contributions from 18 other campus departments and programs.

The schedule is full of exciting events, but here are a few that caught my eye:

Latin American Images Photography Exhibit
Buttrick Hall Atrium, through November 20
This exhibit features original photos taken in Latin America by Vanderbilt students, staff, and visiting scholars. The photographs will be on display all week, and The Center for Latin American Studies will award prizes for the first, second, and third place entries.

The World “Cup”
Thursday, November 14, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Student Life Center Ballrooms A & B
Share a taste of “tea, coffee, and other exotic beverages” from all over the world with representatives from student organizations and campus partners. Vanderbilt Capoeira Club, VIDA (Vanderbilt’s Latin dance group), and Vanderbilt African Student Union’s Nilaja Amari will also perform.

Global Service Fair:  “Faces of Global Service”
Friday, November 15, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Rand 305, OACS
The Office of Active Citizenship & Service, partnering with the Humphrey Fellowship Program, presents an exploration of service opportunities around the world. Learn how volunteerism is perceived in other cultures and how you can become involved in service.

Nisolo: A Story of Change
Wednesday, November 20, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Student Life Center LLMR 1 & 2
Patrick Woodyard, founder of Nisolo Shoes, will discuss his work with Peruvian shoemakers:  “Hear the stories of the Nisolo shoemakers and their families, learn the challenges of operating an international, socially responsible footwear brand, and see how consumerism can be used for good.”

Vanderbilt Wind Symphony:  “Musique Francaise”
Blair School of Music, Ingram Hall
Wednesday, November 20, 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm
This free concert from The Vanderbilt Wind Symphony features music from their forthcoming album A French Connection.

One of the greatest things about campus life at Vanderbilt is that there is always something happening. On any given night you might find yourself at a big-time concert, a student-produced play, or a talk with a music icon. International Education Week 2013 showcases the global reach of campus activity and culture at Vanderbilt.

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