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QuestBridge Q&A

Posted by on Thursday, October 24, 2013 in Application Process, Preparing for College, Scholarships and Financial Aid.

Update, November 2014:  We have updated our application requirements for QuestBridge students. To see the most up-to-date requirements, visit the Vanderbilt partner page on the QuestBridge web site.

Congratulations, QuestBridge Finalists! Your hard work is paying off, and you’re one step closer to college. If you’ve ranked Vanderbilt as one of your college choices, we thank you – we’re looking forward to reviewing your application! Your work isn’t finished though, and I have answers to your questions about what comes next in the process, so please read on.

But first, for those of you who don’t know about QuestBridge, let me back up. Earlier this fall I blogged about our participation in the QuestBridge National College Match, a program that connects talented students from low-income backgrounds to top colleges. The program identifies finalists through a competitive selection process and makes matches between these finalists and partner colleges which meet 100% of the student’s demonstrated need. (Neat, huh?) Yesterday, QuestBridge notified finalists of their status, thus the congratulations. Now, on to the questions . . .

I ranked Vanderbilt as one of my college match choices, what do I do next?

In order to be considered for a match with Vanderbilt, you must submit our required Application and Financial Aid materials by November 4. These materials are in addition to your QuestBridge application.

Required Application Materials

  • The Common Application and all supporting documents
  • Official Test Score Reports
  • Official Transcripts

Required Financial Aid Materials

Please follow the detailed instructions on Vanderbilt’s QuestBridge partner page to ensure you complete all of the required materials.

Should I set up a MyAppVU account?

Yes, after you complete the Common Application you will receive an email from Vanderbilt with instructions on setting up an account in MyAppVU, Vanderbilt’s online application management tool. With MyAppVU you’ll be able to see which portions of your application Vanderbilt has received and check on your application status.

Can I use the same essay I submitted to QuestBridge for the Common application personal essay?

Yes, you can submit your QuestBridge essay for the personal essay section of the Common Application, as long as your essay appropriately addresses one of the writing prompts on the Common Application.

Can I use the same letters of recommendation on the Common Application that I used on my QuestBridge application?

Yes. When you complete the Common Application, you’ll select individuals to provide your recommendations. These can be the same people who provided recommendations for your QuestBridge application.

Does Vanderbilt offer campus visit programs in the fall?

We sure do, and we would love for you to come for a visit. Check out the visit section of our website for more information on campus visit programs.

What if I’m not matched with Vanderbilt, can I still be considered for admission?

Yes, if you’ve ranked Vanderbilt for the College Match, but are not matched with Vanderbilt or any other binding institution you can still be considered for admission. In fact, your application will automatically be rolled into our Regular Decision plan. You can also elect to be considered during our Early Decision II plan, but you must contact your admissions officer in order to have your application switched to EDII.

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