Introducing OUA’s New Interactive Project Strategist
I am happy to be joining the Office of Undergraduate Admissions (known as “OUA”) as Interactive Project Strategist. What exactly is an Interactive Project Strategist? One of my primary tasks will be writing for the Admissions Blog. In addition, I’ll keep the Admissions website up-to-date and informative, interact with you through social media, and maintain and develop cool web resources like the Virtual Tour.

While I’m new to the OUA, I’m a long-time member of the Vanderbilt community. For the last seven years I served as program coordinator for Vanderbilt Programs for Talented Youth, a campus center devoted to developing talent in students through programs such as Vanderbilt Summer Academy and Weekend Academy at Vanderbilt University. My work at PTY provided me with excellent opportunities to experience the campus and culture of Vanderbilt, and to get to know students, faculty, and staff. In addition, I have first-hand experience of Vanderbilt’s phenomenal academic environment from coursework while earning my Master of Liberal Arts and Science degree.
When I’m not singing the praises of VU, I’m usually singing the praises of Nashville. Although I grew up just down I-40 in Cookeville, I didn’t spend much time in Nashville until my wife and I moved here in 2005. Since then, I’ve come to love Music City. We live in East Nashville, and along with our two sons we love to explore the city (mostly through trying out the great food scene). If you’d like to read a little more about me, you can visit my profile page.
Vanderbilt is a wonderful community, and I am thrilled to be transitioning into a role where I’ll be able to share some of the stories of this remarkable place. I look forward to the opportunity to add my voice to the Admissions Blog, which will continue to provide insights into the application process, highlights of the Vanderbilt experience, features on Nashville, and more. I’m also eager to hear from you—please don’t be shy with comments or questions, both here on the blog and on Facebook, Instagram, or other social media.
Until next time . . .