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The Most Wonderful Time

Posted by on Thursday, December 22, 2011 in Early Decision, General Information, Uncategorized.

Admissions Counselor Ben Gatlin gets some last minute reading in before the holidays.

I don’t know about you, but I cannot believe that the holidays are right around the corner.  I feel like just yesterday I hit the road to meet all these incredible high school students, and now more than five hundred of you have already received offers to be part of the class of 2016!

As the rest of you know, however, we have only completed a fraction of the admissions process, and Early Decision II and Regular Decision deadlines are quickly approaching.  While our students have returned to their homes for the holiday break and the campus outside my window is empty and peaceful, our office is still abuzz with activity.  Rest assured that, as busy as you are completing all of your applications before the break, we are just as busy processing and evaluating the ones we have already received.

We do want to make you aware that the Office of Undergraduate Admissions will be closed from December 23 – 26, as well as December 30 – January 1, in observance of the holidays.  Outside those days, you will be able to contact our office as usual and we will be glad to direct you to either your assigned admissions counselor (if available) or an “on-call” officer who can answer your questions.

For general questions or to check for receipt of application materials, call our main office at 1.800.288.0432 or email and a member of our staff will be happy to assist you.

For questions about your application, contact your Admissions Counselor.  To follow-up on an incomplete notice, contact your Counselor or Alaine Sutton.

Contact CoRPs Coordinator Dustin Lynn with any interview-related questions or concerns.

Finally, please note that the Admissions blog will be a little quieter than usual next week, but we will resume our regular schedule during the first week of 2012. From all of us here in Admissions, we wish you and your family a safe and joyful holiday season.  Go Dores!

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  • Ksparrow49

    March 23rd, 2012

    I am the same like you holidays are my best time of the year and right after them I start thinking of the next!