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Building – Building – Building

Posted by on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 in Vanderbilt Computer Science, Visiting Vanderbilt.

Building Thing One: A new space for visiting prospective students and families

Renovation to the Historic Old Gym continues.  We now see where the new entrance to our new visitor space will be.  They are also beginning the restoration of the tall windows that used to be  on the southern side of the building.  Exciting Stuff.

Building Thing Two: A new Website

Be on the lookout in November for a new Admissions website.  Our hope with the new site is to create an easier site for visitors to find answers to their questions and be connected to Vanderbilt web media and networks.  We’d love to hear your wish list items in our comments section.

Building Thing Three: iPhone App

We’ve started an exciting series of conversations with the Vanderbilt Computer Society, a Vanderbilt organization composed mostly of computer science and engineering students about building our office an app for iPhones (and potentially for Blackberry and Google’s Android phone).  We hope to roll something out in the Spring of this academic year.  We’re in the early stages of development, so we would love to hear your wish list for the app in the comments section.

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