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‘Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt’

Greetings from the Office of Student Financial Aid and Undergraduate Scholarships

Dec. 10, 2009—I hope this entry finds you having a great holiday season! I just wanted to provide a brief update regarding processing for both merit and need-based financial assistance. Please remember, visit our financial aid website should you have any questions regarding financial assistance at Vanderbilt.  Also, you may send questions via e-mail to Ingram...

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What You Could Learn from Rocking "Rock Band"

Nov. 6, 2009—Eran Egozy, co-founder and Chief Technical Officer at Harmonix Music Systems which develops the interactive music video game Rock Band will speak 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17, in Vanderbilt's Student Life Center. The talk will address creativity in leadership and the cultural impact of the many wildy popular interactive music games on the marketplace today.

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