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Vanderbilt Admissions Cares – Updated Information

Posted by on Saturday, June 6, 2020 in Admissions Life, General Information, Uncategorized, Vandy Bloggers.

By Douglas L. Christiansen, Vice Provost for University Enrollment Affairs and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid and John O. Gaines, Director of Admissions

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions at Vanderbilt University stands with the Black community and condemns acts of police brutality, racism, and injustice. We are saddened and enraged by the recent senseless murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, David McAtee, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, and countless others who have lost their lives to acts of racially based violence. We are disheartened by the lack of societal awareness, and we are committed to being on the right side of justice. We believe that Black lives matter.

As we examine the power of institutionalized racism embedded in the fabric of American society, we recognize its implications within higher education. We also recognize that words are not enough and that our actions will speak louder. We maintain our commitment to context-aware admissions practices and to crafting a diverse class of students through our active recruitment and intentional selection processes. Furthermore, we are committed to continuing to learn and to utilize resources that advance social justice in our office and community, and we support equity for all.

We invite you to consider the sentiments expressed in the statements below which reflect strong and unwavering condemnation of systemic racism and unequal treatment of people of color.


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