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Vanderbilt Student Takeovers on Instagram

Posted by on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 in Academic Life, Student Life, Vandy Bloggers.

Throughout the academic year, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions hands over our Instagram account to current Vanderbilt students for story takeovers. These story takeovers offer an inside look at a day in the life of a Commodore, including academics, student life, research, clubs and student organizations, and more. You can also send in your own questions to the students during the takeovers.

If you’re a high school senior considering where to apply to college, these takeovers are a great way to get a look at what life is like as a student on our campus.

Below are some of the students who’ve hosted story takeovers this fall. Head over to our account to check out the saved highlights of these stories, and make sure to follow us for more throughout the year.


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Tune in tomorrow for another student takeover! Meghan Leong is a senior from the Fremont, California (Bay Area) majoring in cello performance in the Blair School of Music and minoring in French. On campus, she writes for the Inside ‘Dores blog, teaches children music through Vanderbilt Music Outreach, and regularly performs in the Vanderbilt University Orchestra. She is also member of the Asian American Student Association (AASA) and Vanderbilt Undergraduate Chinese Association (VUCA). Off campus, she regularly performs chamber music at various venues and special events and is a substitute cellist at the Nashville Symphony. Check out our story tomorrow to ask her questions and learn more about Vanderbilt student life! #vandyirl

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