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Early Decision I – Decisions Available Online December 14

Posted by on Friday, December 13, 2013 in Early Decision, General Information.

It’s almost time. After days, weeks, and months spent talking with prospective students, reading impressive applications, and carefully deliberating over tough choices, we are almost ready to release admissions decisions for Early Decision I.  This year there’s a new twist to our decision announcement: beginning on December 14, decisions for EDI applicants will be available online through MyAppVU.  No more waiting for the mailman, no more hypothesizing about a “fat envelope,” no more worrying that your parents won’t wait for you to get home from school before opening the mail – on December 14, just log in to MyAppVU and find out your decision status (and if you’ve applied for it, any need-based financial aid award information).*

This year’s pool of EDI applicants was the largest, most academically qualified, most diverse, and most superlative-heavy group in Vanderbilt history. We will publish summary statistics after we complete both phases of Early Decision, so once we finish EDII, you can expect to hear more from us about this group and their amazing accomplishments. It’s safe to say that we are incredibly excited about the first members of the Vanderbilt Class of 2018.

The overall quality of the applicant pool also means that this was a highly competitive process. With such a strong pool, we were faced with very difficult decisions, and there were many talented applicants who we were not able to admit. These decisions are a tough part of the process, but they are reached after careful consideration and close study of the applicant pool.

We want to thank each and every student who applied through Early Decision I. The wait is almost over.

*Decision Release Fine Print

  • As of December 14, Early Decision I applicants can log into the MyAppVU portal to access admissions decisions. In addition, we recently emailed each EDI applicant with a personalized URL which, beginning on December 14, will lead you directly to your admissions decision.
  • MyAppVU is THE WAY to find out your admissions decision. This means that if you have not yet created your MyAppVU account, it is imperative that you do so now. (By the way, we do know that some of you EDI applicants haven’t yet created your account – get on it!)
  • If you are an admitted student, please use MyAppVU to claim your spot in the Class of 2018 no later than December 31. Also, please withdraw your application from other schools to which you’ve applied.
  • While all students will receive their decisions online via MyAppVU, admitted students will receive additional information in the mail.
  • If you experience any difficulty logging in to your MyAppVU account, please for technical assistance.

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  • Monica

    December 15th, 2013

    Are early decision applicants who do not get in reconsidered amongst the regular pool of applicants in the Spring?

  • Jay Watson

    December 16th, 2013

    Monica, thank you for your question. We do not defer students from Early Decision to Regular Decision. If a student is not admitted through Early Decision, then he or she is released from the ED agreement and free to apply to other schools.

  • Jim

    December 16th, 2013

    what about applying to to the regular admission after a rejection at ED?

  • Jay Watson

    December 17th, 2013

    Thanks for asking, Jim. Because the Regular Decision applicant pool is even more competitive than the Early Decision pool, students who are not admitted through ED are not deferred to RD and should not re-apply through RD. Thank you for your question.

  • Anonymous

    September 15th, 2014

    Are students who are not accepted ED1 still considered for ED2?

  • Jay Watson

    September 17th, 2014

    Thanks for your question. No, students who are not admitted at EDI are not considered for EDII. If you apply EDI you’ll get your final admission decision when those are released (by December 15). Thanks!

  • bmsh

    October 13th, 2014

    Why would a student apply ED II instead of ED I? What are the advantages/disadvantages to each?

  • Jay Watson

    October 14th, 2014

    EDI and EDII are basically just two parts to the same Early Decision round of admissions. The difference is just in dates: Early Decision I has an application deadline of November 1, with student notification in mid-December and the deadline for Early Decision II is January 1, with student notification in mid-February. This gives some students more flexibility about when to apply.