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Using the Application QuickGuide

Posted by on Friday, July 26, 2013 in Application Process, College Application Guides, Uncategorized.

Hi, my name is Carolyn, and I am a List-Maker.

Whether I’m packing for a recruiting trip to Dallas or planning out my Saturday afternoon, I never feel completely on top of things unless I have a list in front of me.  This was especially true when I was applying for college and had to submit what seemed like hundreds of different documents to six different schools, all of which were operating under different deadlines.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the college application process, trust me when I tell you that you are not alone.  A little bit of list-making, however, can go a long way.  Although the Common Application does not go live until August, students can get a jump-start on the process by researching the submission requirements for all of their target schools and making a list for each one, which will certainly come in handy once you actually begin compiling and sending in those many documents.

That’s where the Vanderbilt Admissions QuickGuide comes in.  This handy page is chock full of all the information you need to make your Vandy application checklist, including a list of application requirements, a summary of our admissions and testing policies, and additional notes for students applying to the Blair School of Music, as well as for transfer, international, and homeschooled applicants.  This page will also link you directly to the Common Application website and all of our additional required documents.

Once the Common Application for Fall 2014 admission officially becomes available, we will post further updates on when and how to submit all of the required pieces.  In the meantime, use our QuickGuide to get a mental jump on things, and happy list-making!

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