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‘Dore for a Day Registration is Open!

Posted by on Monday, July 22, 2013 in Academic Life, Preparing for College, Student Life, Visiting Vanderbilt.

Chancellor Nick Zeppos teaches a semester-long undergraduate class on the Federalist Papers in his office. (Photo: Vanderbilt University)

We may still be in the heat of summer, but Vanderbilt’s campus is already buzzing with anticipation for the fall semester.  In just four short weeks, the Class of 2017 will move into their new homes on The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons, and just a few days after will mark the official start of classes.

The kickoff of the fall semester brings the kickoff of our ‘Dore for a Day campus visit program.  If you are considering applying to Vanderbilt and want to get a truly authentic look at a day in the life of a Commodore, this visit option is for you.

‘Dore for a Day students are matched with current Vanderbilt students, whom they meet in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 1 PM on the day for which they have registered.  They eat lunch at one of our on-campus dining halls, attend a class, and spend the afternoon exploring campus with their individual hosts before returning to the OUA at 4 PM.

Rand Dining Hall got a new look for the 2012-13 school year. (Photo: Vanderbilt Dining)

Fall ‘Dore for a Day visits are available Monday through Friday from September 16 until November 21, with the exception of scheduled campus breaks, and students are encouraged to register at least two weeks before their chosen date.  Students and families can attend the morning information session and campus tour on the same day, but keep in mind that you must register for each program separately, and the ‘Dore for a Day portion is only for high school students.

(If you’re looking for some reliable testimony on how helpful ‘Dore for a Day can be in making your college search decisions, check out this entry of the New York Times “The Choice” blog.  Spoiler alert: he chose Vandy!)

To register for one of these afternoon events, see the ‘Dore for a Day page on our Campus Visit website. If you have questions regarding the program, please email or call our office at 800.288.0432.

See you on campus!

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