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Guest Blog: Merit Scholarships Update

Posted by on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 in Admissions Committee, Ingram Scholarship, Merit Scholarships, Scholarships and Financial Aid.

Good afternoon,

I just wanted to provide a brief update regarding the selection process for the Cornelius Vanderbilt and Chancellor’s Scholarship awards. As of this afternoon we have notified recipients of the Cornelius Vanderbilt and Chancellor’s Scholarship awards by both e-mail and letter. Applicants who were not selected for either program will only receive an e-mail notification. A total of 53 Chancellor’s Scholarship and 130 Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship offers have been made. Please note that decisions regarding Cornelius Vanderbilt recipients who have applied to the Blair School of Music are still being finalized. Recipients will be notified in the next couple of weeks.

Central Library, where the floor features an interactive graphic comprised of search terms being entered in real time by library visitors (Credit: Creative Services)

Competition for our merit scholarship programs continues to be intense. Awards in one of our three signature programs (Cornelius Vanderbilt, Chancellor’s and Ingram) are being made to fewer than 1% of our applicants for admission. Staff and faculty from the Vanderbilt community have spent countless hours reading and discussing scholarship applications and making difficult decisions regarding award recipients.

We continue to be humbled by the overwhelming response to our signature merit programs and we are amazed at the quality of the applicant pools. Over 4,500 students applied for the Cornelius Vanderbilt program and over 900 applied for the Chancellor’s Scholarship program. This is in addition to the over 900 students who applied for the Ingram Scholarship program.

Thank you for your interest in Vanderbilt! Should you have any questions, feel free to e-mail our office.


Brent Tener

Director of Undergraduate Scholarships

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  • Abdus Salam

    March 5th, 2013

    My son has not received CV scholarship and he has got the mail one hour before. I trained him with the motto, hope for the best but prepare for the worst. He is dismayed but not disheartened as the competition was ruthless and intense.Since limited, everybody cannot expect to receive the scholarship. Those who are the best, got it and congratulation to them from our side.
    Thanks to the authority for taking lot of effort for selecting deserving recipients.
    With thanks.

  • Christina Wang

    March 5th, 2013

    I also did not receive the CV scholarship, but I am definitely hoping for some of the smaller ones! Congrats to those who got it and thank you to those who took so much time to go over each applicant!

  • Vandy2017

    March 6th, 2013

    When will we be receiving our Vanderbilt identification number?

  • Ryan Burleson

    March 6th, 2013

    In order to create a VUnetID you must submit your matriculation deposit (note: processing of this deposit may take up to 2 weeks). After Vanderbilt processes your deposit, you will receive an email from the University Registrar with instructions on how to set up your VUnetID.

    Once you have a VUnetID, you will be able to use your Vanderbilt email account.

  • SNR

    March 6th, 2013

    I was admitted ED1 and sent in the deposit as soon as I got it but still haven’t received any email…

  • Ryan Burleson

    March 8th, 2013

    We’re sorry for any confusion. You should receive an email from the Registrar sometime in late Spring. We don’t have an exact date for when this might occur at this moment, but will be sure to update our site if we learn of one. Thanks for your patience.

  • Morgan Geddie

    March 6th, 2013

    We paid my son’s matriculation deposit in December and still do not have a VUnetID. We did get some material a few weeks ago and I think it said his VUnetID would be sent in March. The material did include a window decal which is now proudly displayed on the rear window of his car.

  • Ryan Burleson

    March 8th, 2013

    Hi Morgan, I’m sorry for any confusion and we’re glad to hear that the decal is proudly displayed! To clarify, the VUnetID should be sent sometime in late Spring. It comes from the Registrar’s office – not Admissions. We will update our site if we find out an exact date.

  • Nancy

    March 13th, 2013

    Was the Fred Russell-Grantland Rice scholarship recipient notified as well? My daughter only applied for it and she has not yet received an email either way as of today. Thanks!

  • Ryan Burleson

    March 14th, 2013

    Hi Nancy! The Russell Rice Scholarship has not yet been awarded. We expect to notify its recipients in their admissions packets.

  • Nancy

    March 14th, 2013

    Thanks Ryan! That’s encouraging news. Appreciate your quick reply.

  • C ON

    March 19th, 2013

    I also did not receive the CV, but am hoping to receive a smaller scholarship, like the Curb Leadership Scholarship. Will notification about this award come with our admissions decisions? And also, just out of curiosity, what is the monetary value of this scholarship?

  • Ryan Burleson

    March 20th, 2013

    Curb Scholarship decisions are being finalized and recipients notified within the week. The value of the Curb Scholarship is $8,000, a number we reserve the right to change year-by-year.

  • C ON

    March 20th, 2013


  • Kelly

    March 22nd, 2013

    Is there any word on when the Regular Decision letters will be mailed?

  • Caroline

    March 26th, 2013

    Just a quick question- I applied for both the CV and Chancellor’s Scholarships and have not heard anything back yet. I auditioned at Blair, so maybe this explains the late answer on CV? But what about Chancellor’s, is this normal?

  • Ryan Burleson

    March 27th, 2013

    Hi Carolina, Blair merit scholarship decisions are still being made. Students should be notified by the first part of next week, if not sooner.