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From the Rooftops: A Recent Graduate’s Thoughts on VU

Posted by on Wednesday, May 23, 2012 in Academic Life, Community Service, Freshman Commons, Living on Campus, Peabody College of Education and Human Development, Preparing for College.

In recent weeks, we’ve mentioned more than once the pride we feel for the recently graduated Class of 2012, aka the first class of Commodores who began their Vanderbilt journeys on The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons. As in previous years, this group includes future leaders in business and the fine arts, music and medicine, engineering, public service and so on. In fact, “future” is a bit of a misnomer; one needn’t look past Trevor Burbank’s (GPC ’12) Teach Twice project for one example of how this group wasted no time nurturing profound career aspirations long before they walked the stage on May 11.

Caps fly as the inaugural Ingram Commons class graduates from Vanderbilt (Creative Services/Vanderbilt)

That being said, we couldn’t help but notice one recent graduate had different plans prior to setting out into a new career, graduate school, summer vacation and the like. Leslie Schichtel (A&S ’12), who graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa and will be a Games-Time Producer with for the 2012 London Games, decided to use her pedestal at the Huffington Post to pen an excellent piece about her college experience just three days after leaving Vanderbilt. And, while we in admissions are so glad to hear that Leslie is leaving with a fond appreciation of her time here, we’d be remiss if we didn’t share her sentiments with our readers, some of whom will soon join the vibrant community that she references time and again:

“The value of community on campus is inescapable. Vanderbilt’s friendly atmosphere made meeting and building relationships a daily occurrence. I became close with many of the employees and continued forging friendships with other students up until the very last moment. If I were to regret anything, it would be that I did not meet some people sooner. Continuing these new friendships may not be effortless; however, I trust that because Vanderbilt brought us together, they will be rewarding … For those joining Vanderbilt’s Class of 2016, congratulations! You have placed yourselves into one of the finest environments to not only learn among the brightest, but also gain the tools with which to become valuable citizens.”

We encourage you to read the entire piece. And, again, congrats to Leslie and the Class of 2012 – you already make us very proud!

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