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Signature Merit Scholarships Announced Today

Posted by on Friday, March 5, 2010 in Scholarships and Financial Aid.

Good morning,

I just wanted to provide a brief update regarding the selection process for the Cornelius Vanderbilt and Chancellor’s Scholarship awards.  Beginning today, we will notify recipients of the Cornelius Vanderbilt and Chancellor’s Scholarship awards by both e-mail and letter. Applicants who were not selected for either program will only receive an e-mail notification. A total of 42 Chancellor’s Scholarship and 139 Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship offers have been made.

Competition for our merit scholarship programs continues to be intense.  Awards in one of our three signature programs (Cornelius Vanderbilt, Chancellor’s and Ingram) are being made to fewer than 1% of our applicants for admission. Staff and faculty from the Vanderbilt community have spent countless hours reading and discussing scholarship applications and making difficult decisions regarding award recipients.

 We continue to be humbled by the overwhelming response to our signature merit programs and we are amazed at the quality of the applicant pools.  Over 3,400 students applied for the Cornelius Vanderbilt program and nearly 700 applied for the Chancellor’s Scholarship program. This is in addition to the 545 students who applied for the Ingram Scholarship program.

Thank you for your interest in Vanderbilt! Should you have any questions, feel free to e-mail our office at:


Brent Tener

Director of Undergraduate Scholarships

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  • Jim

    March 5th, 2010

    So, will everyone be notified by email today or will it be over a period of time? thanks

  • Diadra

    March 5th, 2010

    I know it says that beginning today, you will be notifying via email and mail. If we did not receive an email today does that mean we are out?

  • Jen

    March 6th, 2010

    Vandy was my top choice and I didn’t get the Cornelius. A girl at my school got it and it’s a bummer because Vanderbilt is nowhere near the top of her list.

  • Jack

    March 11th, 2012

    My daughter received the CV Friday by e-mail.  We were almost resigning ourselves to four years at a state school.  And even though room and board would have been free there, we are more than willing to pay for it at Vandy.

    For those that didn’t get it.  Keep the faith, something else will come along.  My daughter was extremely disapointed when she didn’t get the Jefferson at UVA but it all worked out in the end.

    This is a tough process for everyone.  Just keep working and believing in yourself and it will work out in the end!