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What You Could Learn from Rocking "Rock Band"

Posted by on Friday, November 6, 2009 in Academic Life, Balance.

Eran Egozy, co-founder and Chief Technical Officer at Harmonix Music Systems which develops the interactive music video game Rock Band will speak 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17, in Vanderbilt’s Student Life Center.  The talk will address creativity in leadership and the cultural impact of the many wildy popular interactive music games on the marketplace today.  The talk is a component of Vanderbilt’s Creative Campus initiative meant to infuse innovative thinking and artisitic creation into everyday campus life at Vanderbilt and is sponsored by VU’s Curb Center.  Following the talk will be a Rock Band competition open to all students, faculty, and staff.  VU OUA is considering an entry . . . oh yes.  Rock on.

In the spirit of creativity, it seems as though someone placed a costume mask on the Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt statue yesterday.  It is not that uncommon to find various articles of clothing on the big guy from time to time.  Have a great Fall weekend.


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