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Gimme Shelter: Housing Deadline Approaching

Posted by on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 in Academic Life, Commons, Freshman Commons, Housing, I've been admitted - now what?, Information for Incoming Students, Living on Campus, Registering for Classes, Transfer Students, Video.

Incoming Class of 2013

Your housing application is due this coming Monday June 1st.  This deadline applies to any new incoming student (transfer included).  Jason Jakubowski from University Housing posted a letter on Commonplace that explains how to apply.

June 1st also marks the first of several important deadlines for the incoming class.

After housing, the next BIG thing is course registration.  Many of the VU schools have just recently sent out registration information (don’t worry, those of you who were recently admitted from the waitlist, you won’t miss anything – it will get sent to you too).  Registration at Vanderbilt progresses in distinct phases that may take some time to get used to.  The Office of the Registrar has a nice description, as well as other essential information for undergrads on the course registration process.   The Dean of Students also has some good info available.

Here’s something to get you pumped up for move-in day, but moms be warned, there’s some Kleenex moments . . .

Potential Incoming Class of 2014

For those of you who are rising seniors and are looking to apply to the Vanderbilt class of 2014, the Common App and Vandy Supplement goes live on July 1, a little over a month from now.  Yeah . . . I know, I’m sorry.

Incoming transfer students

The registration process operates through your college/school and the request period is June 8-26, just like first-years.  Make sure to submit a final copy of your current college transcript (the one you’re leaving) as soon as possible so Vanderbilt can assess your course credit and add it to your official record.  For transfer student FAQ’s visit the Dean of Students’ Transfer info page.

Incoming International Students

Hopefully by now you have been in touch with our ISSS Office about your travel arrangements and visa.  If not, contact Vanderbilt ISSS soon.  You can also start to get to know our community by geting in touch with current Vanderbilt international students through our new Global Ambassadors network.

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  • Kara

    May 31st, 2009


    When I got my registration packet, I didn’t receive a letter giving me a date to contact my adviser–Is this possibly because I’m a VUSE student, or did I just not see/receive it?

  • Thom

    June 2nd, 2009


    Sorry about the lag in time there, I had to do some digging to get your answer. I took a look at the registration info for VUSE and on page 6 it says “It is not necessary for first semester freshmen in Engineering to have an adviser’s approval to pre-register. You will be assigned an adviser based on the major you declare and your adviser’s approval will be required for all future semesters.” So it looks like you complete the forms in the packet, send them in and then get assigned an advisor. If you have questions, the VUSE registrar is Brenda Jordan, and you can call her toll free at 1-877-676-9111.

    For course registration for incoming ‘Dores in the other VU Schools/Colleges:

    For CAS, click here;
    For Peabody click here;
    For Blair click here.

  • Elizabeth

    June 3rd, 2009

    Hey Thom,
    Quick question, are calls still being made to those being admitted off the wait list? I just wanted a type of time frame.

    Thank you,

  • Gisela

    September 16th, 2010


    Sorry if I’m in the wrong place to ask these questions, but I currently attend a community college and I would like to transfer to Vanderbilt. My questions are, would most of my credits be accepted? And how exactly does a transfer process into Vanderbilt work?

    Thank you,

  • Kylie

    September 16th, 2010


    Credits usually transfer as long as they are courses that you can find at most colleges, i.e. biology, chemistry, English, Spanish, philosophy, etc.

    Check out transfer information on our website regarding deadlines and requirements.