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New "Insider's Guide to Financial Aid" Video Just Released

Posted by on Thursday, March 5, 2009 in Advice for Parents, Application Process, Scholarships and Financial Aid.

Our Insider’s Guide to Admissions video received such great feedback from students and parents that we’ve filmed a sequel.  This short video outlines, in simple terms, the ins and outs of financial aid with Doug Christiansen, Vanderbilt’s Associate Provost for Enrollment and Dean of Admissions. 


Dean Christiansen addresses such questions as: “What should we ask about a school’s financial aid program?” “What is an Estimated Family Contribution or EFC and how is my EFC used at different schools?” “My family is doing OK financially, is it worth applying for financial aid?” It is our hope this piece will help families feel more confident and in control of their financial aid options in this tough economy.  The information presented is relevant if you are considering Vanderbilt or even if you are not.

Merit Scholarship Notification Updates

Emails are being sent tonight and tomorrow informing applicants to the Cornelius Vanderbilt, Chancellor’s, and the Lanier-Atlanta Scholarship Programs of the decisions.  Congratulations to our newest honors scholars!

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