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Update on Merit Scholarships

Posted by on Friday, February 20, 2009 in Application Process, College of Arts and Science, Peabody College of Education and Human Development, Scholarships and Financial Aid, School of Engineering.

Good afternoon and happy Friday,

The following was posted this afternoon on the Vanderbilt Undergraduate Honors Scholarship website:

To our Scholarship Applicants:

I just wanted to provide a brief update regarding the selection process for the Cornelius Vanderbilt and Chancellor’s Scholarship selections. The numbers of applications we have received for all of our scholarship programs have been tremendous. We are humbled by the overwhelming response to our signature merit programs and are amazed at the quality of the applicant pools.

As background, there are no quantitative “cut-off’s” that we used to determine scholarship recipients. The evaluation process is similar to how Vanderbilt evaluates applicants for admission, using a holistic process that considers many factors when making our decisions. Staff and faculty from the Vanderbilt community spend countless hours reading and discussing scholarship applications and making difficult decisions regarding eventual recipients.

The selection processes are ongoing but the following is an updated timeline:

Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship applicants to the College of Arts and Science and School of Engineering will be notified of their status via e-mail beginning March 6. Scholarship recipients will also be notified via letter, which will be mailed on or after March 6. The selections for these scholarship awards will be made by their respective committees and on-campus interviews will not be conducted this year.

Finalists for the Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship program who have applied to Peabody College will be contacted via e-mail or telephone by February 23 and invited to campus for interviews on March 15 and 16. Students who have applied for the Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship program and have not been selected as finalists will be notified via e-mail shortly after February 23.

Finalists for the Cornelius Vanderbilt Scholarship program who have applied to Blair will be selected based upon a number of criteria, with the required audition being a major factor. This selection process is ongoing.

Chancellor’s Scholarship applicants will be notified of their status via e-mail beginning March 6. Scholarship recipients will also be notified via letter, which will be mailed on or after March 6.

Thank you for your interest in Vanderbilt. Should you have any questions, feel free to send an e-mail to:

Brent Tener
Director of Undergraduate Scholarships
Vanderbilt University

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  • rachel

    November 30th, 2010

    Having just submitted my application for consideration of admission to Vanderbilt, I was clicking around the site and realized that I also need to submit the merit-based scholarship applications by tomorrow! I am grateful it can be done online, and wonder why one must request merit scholarship consideration without knowing whether admission will be granted to the applicant. Does it play a role in the Admissions decision in some way? Thanks.

  • Kylie

    November 30th, 2010

    Merit scholarships are awarded in advance of admission. Therefore, if you receive a merit scholarship you will learn of your admit status and scholarship in March rather than having to wait until April.