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Price in The World Series…

Posted by on Sunday, October 26, 2008 in Balance, Vandy Athletics.

It has been a few weeks since I’ve posted. This year my travels have brought me far and wide. Still, I can’t resist the opportunity to express how exciting it is to see Vandy grad (and Tennessee native) David Price pitching on the biggest stage in baseball.

If you haven’t heard the ultra feel-good story about David Price, he pitched four years at Vandy and while here broke plenty of records. He was the #1 overall draft pick in 2007, cruised through the minors, and due to an injury in the pitching staff, was brought up to the playoff bound Tampa Bay Rays a month ago.

Vandy Baseball season isn’t for a few months, but seeing Coach Corbin on ESPN has gotten me excited already for the Commodore “Boys of Spring.”

Go Rays!

Price in World Series

Picture downloaded from;_ylt=AuQ32uTwZydYRuu2_.gnD.CFCLcF?slug=c8ca7f085b0ddcd0a825475468d5841a-getty-83306991cc186_world_series_

taken by Doug Pensinger/Getty Images

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